Dead time

Oct 30, 2001 03:14

Somewhere I think I've actually listed it as something to get Dragon for. Not 'get even with'. Just... harass him. Pick on him. Ask what I ever did to deserve this. You get the idea.

I used to be a morning person. Wake up with the sun, already cheerful, morning person. Well, I still tend to wake up, going from sleep to awake without any muzzy in-between stage. But now I sleep late and stay up late and sometimes I just bloody wake up and can't go back to sleep. When I'd do this as a kid, I could stagger downstairs to the scratchy, maroon couch in the library/office, curl up, and go back to sleep. My mother used to fuss about it, too, but oh, well. I've got the world's comfiest couch now but why bother? I'm awake. Bleah.

Guess I'll go find some warm socks, and some headphones, and stare at words on a screen, or maybe just play pinball 'til I can go back to sleep.

Night. Or rather, morning.

morning person, dragon, sleep

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