Heh. I just love getting spam from 30-31 years in the future. :) Oh, can't forget about that many years in the past as well! *G*
Anyway, not a whole lot going on... still dealing with the shit in my head, which I'll probably deal with for the rest of my life. Still considered a temporary employee at work, despite being there for 3.5 months now... got love being strung along and fucked with.
In other news, did a meme that I found on
tiyanath's page. Here are the results:
you are darkslateblue
Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.
Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.
Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
the spacefem.com html color quiz I like the colour, and the description fits me pretty closely. Who'da thunk?
Now, I go play video games.