January is always an ominous month as I set yearly objectives for work, build my personal budgets and look at 'the season' a head.
When I say 'the season' I mean festival.
OKRF is always a monster in regards to time consumption and with the actual duties as entertainment director and efforts with RGP on the chessboard it stills takes the first 6 months of the year.
This year I will be doing a lot of the detail work on the chessboard. When I started 22 years ago I built a team to assist me with our choreography, the last of that team is taking a hiatus and will probably return to his own efforts after his child is old enough. In the next few years we will develop a new team and begin our next era of growth.
We have found a pretty good balance in our personal lives and 2011 looks like many financial pieces will fall into place. We are looking at more travel and more work on our home.
This weekend was awesome, we played D&D, video games and I organized my cd collection.
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