To all you girls who claim to want a nice guy.

Dec 06, 2007 01:03

To all you girls who claim to want a nice guy, I say fuck you. you know, recently i've come to the realization that girls don't want a nice guy. they don't want someone to buy them flowers, to serenade them, to cook for them, to be with them when their sick, that still embody chivalry.

I've come to the realization that no matter what we do, no matter how much we treat women with the dignity and the respect that they deserve, they still want the jerks and the assholes. they will come to complain to us how their boyfriend is treating them like dirt, and how they wish they can find a nice guy, but as soon as they turn around, there's another jerk there to sweep them off their feet for the first few weeks, and then they come back crying.

I've come to the realization that hard work, honesty, sincerity, honour, means about the same thing as a pile of horse shit on last year's calendar. bosses, women, coworkers will exploit these traits to their own uses. we'll work hard, and get screwed over by some slack-jawed, dim-witted yokel who doesn't even know what their talking about, take credit for all the work, and get promoted over us..

And really, it's you women, that complain about not finding the right guy. You sayg that you wish that you could find a nice, decent guy, who's sensitive, who can cook, clean, take care of things, has an IQ over their shoe size but hen get swooned away by the muscle-bound moron that drives the newest car, can flex his arms in 20 different ways, but has trouble spelling his name.

Ladies, look at the guy next to you. while he may not be the next Arnold, or Orlando, or Johnny, or whatever. Give him a chance. For all you know, he might say that Dali is his favourite artist, Beckett's plays make him laugh, and that while he might not be able to dance all that well, he'll be glad to walk you home in the middle of February, with his coat on your shoulders.

Guys, the only word of advice I'll give you, is that if we want the ladies to take us seriously, then let's not ruin the whole "nice guy" persona. if a lady does walk up to you, don't be macho. be yourself. let's show the world that for once, nice guys don't finish last. That we are worth a damn.

Repost this, flame me, comment on it, whatever.

Keep fighting the good fight, I know I'm trying to
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