So yesterday I woke up and did my normal "just woke up" stuff. Got something to drink checked my messages online and sat down to play conquer (I know I know, its a sad existence...BUT ITS FUN). So after about two hours of playing I hear all these voices from outside, and when I looked out there were litterally NO LESS than 40 black kids walking and riding their bikes down the street..and 10 seconds later que my brother entering the house FAST!
"Holy shit! did you see out side? They all want to kick my ass!"
"WTF did you do"
"well let me get pants on and take care of this shit"
I got outside and like 12 of his friends apepared out of nowhere and half of them were stuffed into the hallway trying to get away. My favorite part is when they saw me walking down the stairs they parted way so I could get thru. hahaha like I'm gonna start stompin people when there are that many there. Luckily the police showed up or I would have had to choice but to get my ass kicked, erm I mean...start cracking skulls.
The cops followed the crowd from the school, which is only a few blocks from here. After the police ran them out we all just stood around talking. I was trying to figure out what the happened and my gramma was in the house going nuts. I went to talk to her and when i got back outside there were like ANOTHER 10 kids standing there trying to start shit in my front yard. I mean WTF! just go away!
Finally all that shit got cleared up they left and my brothers friends finally felt safe enough to walk back home and get ready for their "camping" trip. I say it in quotes because it was them in the woods up by the cemetary.
So I went back to play conquer for a few hours, when Bryon IM'd me and we talked for awhile. Then I got hungry and Bryon,
sey, and I went to McDonalds then drove around a bit and shower her some more of the city. I wanted to do some more things with her while she was up, show her some more stuff. But with her staying at bryons and not waking up untill everything was closed that was kind of hard. Made me feel like a bad host...bitch =)
But we went down to the canal and looked around, the restaruant there looks like it might be good actually, I'll have to go sometime when I have money =p
After that we went up to the cemetary/park so she could see the whole city from above...seriously one of the best views of anything in this county. Hehe then I decided to be my humorous dumbass self and climbed, YES CLIMBED the eagle that they have there, and then Bryon climbed up with me...we have pictures, that I'll post later when I get them. That way I don't have to explain what the eagle is to those that don't know. Then the big-ass rock that they have..well me and Bryon climbed that one too, not at the same time though, we were working on it when the park guy came to close the gates, so we had to go =(
We decided that we would come back later on and go thru the cemetary, and we did! HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHE
So later we parked the car at Price Chopper and walked up to the cemetary, hoped the fence, and walked in. We decided that we should first fuck with my brother, as thats the brotherly thing to do. Now I know these woods, I know these woods VERY WELL., So I had an idea of where he would be camping so off we went to where I thought they would be. Sure enough we could see the camp fire once we got into the woods a little ways. Then it was just a matter of getting as close as possible without them knowing, to maximize the fear that I put into them. They were only about 800 feet away and it took the three of us about an hour to move that distance. Mostly cuz I kept looking back and tell them to be quiet. Even though it turned out they didnt need to be untill the last like 100 feet or so. Anyway, I got up to about 60 feet from the camp and I could see a few of friends sitting by the fire. And they were getting SCARED cuz you could hear branches breaking, and then nothing as we stopped moving. I also had positioned myself behind a tree so when they shun the light on me I was nowhere to be seen. I used said tree to get to within 40 feet of them without them knowing it. Finally they were like:
"is someone there?"
"YO! Get Dan I think someones out there"
"we got a gun"
"Why you gotta hide!? you scurred?"
Now I'm trying not to laugh to loud, and I can hear Bryon and Sey trying not to laugh too. How they didnt see us I have no idea, I saw them two laying on the ground but I knew where they were so it makes it easier for me. hehe While they were arguing over wether or not someone was actually out there, I flashed the light I had on them, which freaked them out. Now I think only a few of them saw it, because it sounded like they were arguing again about it, so I did it again. Then again and again and again...and this is a bright light it was pissing people off because it was blinding hahahaha. Finally after they were sufficently scared and getting pissed, I came out of my hiding place and walked up to them. Which brought all the:
"who is that"
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Is that Chris"
"yo thats dans brother"
"you fucker"
"dude you scared the shit outta me"
etc etc etc
And that was my night