Jun 27, 2007 20:47
That is about the statement I can make for the area I've moved into. My god, what a change from downtown. The area is still pretty much deserted when I go to work, but instead of the random people out at 6:30 am being a part of a gang, drunks or druggies, they are people mowing their lawns with human-powered push mowers and ladies doing gardening before it gets too hot and/or they have to go to work. Or chasing their cats who are chasing a dog being walked before his owner has to go to work in his suit... the dog didn't notice he was being "chased" and the cat was fluffy, walking sideways slowly after the dog. This cat wrapped himself around my ankles this morning and got petted while his owner came over to pick him up and he purred and purred and purred. I jaywalk with a bunny, when he's not sitting at the street corner eating clover beside a black squirrel. I said to my friend S, "Did I just move to Narnia???" She thinks I'm funny.
I have yet to spend much time wandering around my area though, because every night is trying to put together my apartment and then going to bed so I can get up early and go to work so I can get home in good time and put together my apartment and then go to bed so ... You get the picture. It's a work in progress, but my friend A assured me tonight that my place looks a lot more put together than I think. I thanked her for that compliment.
And I've already entertained here! My friend L came over on Monday night and I made her gazpacho (tomatoes, cucumbers, white onion, orange pepper, fresh dill, balsamic vinegar, tabasco sauce and a couple of ice cubes - melted), spinach and arugula salad with strawberries and almonds drizzled with balsamic vinegar and a toasted roasted-onion-hummus and Tofurkey slice sandwich. We had green wine with it (Portuguese) and mango juice popsicles with cherries for dessert. :) I was quite proud of it, if I do say so myself. :)
So now I'm looking at my forlorn bookcase and thinking of turning on the CBC internet radio station and unpacking some of my many many too many books and putting them in their new home. We'll see. I'm also thinking about relaxing. Radical idea, man...