First off, a post is over due about my two new Stick Bugs. There are some pix on my flickr account.
One of my Twitter Peeps is an animal communicator, and as a joke I asked her if she's ever talked to Stick Bugs before. She said no, but that she was willing. She asked me to post a picture of her and she'd see what happens. So I did, and she did, and this is what became of it:
petsaretalking @
YaniNation I have not made contact with the stick bug contingency, but I am not opposed to stickbug conversation.
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YaniNation You have a stickbug? I thought it may be a wierd Cthuhlu reference. Tweet a picture and a question and I'll ask her.
petsaretalking @
YaniNation Oh that was so wierd! She asked me to think more quietly. I was too loud. I asked what she thought of. she said "lots of things"
petsaretalking @
YaniNation She said that if you put your finger about 1 inch above her body, and made a stroking motion, you'd be petting her and she'd
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YaniNation and she'd like that. She also likes leaves. She thinks about texture a lot. She's not a deep creature, but she is definitely
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YaniNation thinking. She's definitely thinking about stuff.