McCain Sucks!

Sep 27, 2008 08:25

I've been wanting to post about McCain/Palin for days, because wow, hasn't Johnny Mac given us so much to laugh about all week?!?!?! But sadly I've been sick and not up to it, and really my writing skills aren't up to the kind of task at hand.

Ah, but McSame has spinning out of control this week. "Stop my campaign, I'm off to save the world!" Was he initially trying to get out of the debate? I think so! Reporters aren't allowed to talk to Palin, especially after the Gibson interview, except for a select few. Why? Could it be they are afraid people might get that she ain't ready for the job? I think so! Look at her interviews so far, including the hand picked Curic. She doesn't know what she's talking about!

Back to McCain who stopped the campaign to go save the world. Both he and Obama were present in the big bail out meeting. Guess who asked a bunch of questions and gave suggestions: Obama! Guess who sat there and said NOTHING: McSame!

The debates showed me last night that McSame is way focused on war. I think he sees things a bit too personally, since his bout as a POW. I don't think he sees clearly about war issues, and doesn't take into consideration the big picture. Obama seems much more level headed about things. I think about how emotional McSame gets, and how condescending he gets, and I don't see him having productive talks with other foreign leaders that will lead to peace. I think he will piss off other heads of state. Yep, if McSame gets elected, I think we're going to war for sure!

McCain is also a liar. All his campaign ads about Obama have all been full of lies. When reporters ask him about his blatantly untrue ads, his only response is that Obama won't meet him at townhall meetings. Wha?!??! So if Obama won't campaign with you, you have free reign to lie about him?!?!?!?

Palin has also been lying, but I'm not sure that's her fault. Afterall, until a month ago, all she knew was Alaska, and not much about what was going outside of her state. All the rhetoric she says is just repeating the McSame campaign jargon. Though she does seem to have the same attitude as McSame, in that she doesn't seem to truly care about others unless they fit her agenda. Don't cross her, she'll have it in for you.

Listening to the debates last night, McSame really does seem to be holding on to the Republican trickle down theory, which hello, clearly makes him McSAME! Hows that trickle down theory been working so far? Oh yeah, it hasn't. The corporations are just making more money, but the trickling isn't happening, and more jobs were not created. During Bush's administration more jobs were cut than I can remember. I don't remember all these people losing their jobs during the Clinton era, nor during the Reagan era (though I can't say I was really paying attention during the Reagan era.) If you listened to what McSame was saying, he sticking to the trickle down theory, and he's not paying attention to the middle class that is shrinking. And unlike Obama, McSame doesn't see the consequences to all of this, whereas Obama laid out a number of consequences to the failing economy and the effects of war. McSame doesn't get it.

McSame seems to understand about the working of war, but doesn't get the big picture and how it has effected this country. We as a country are laughable! Read blogs from other countries. They think we suck. We are losing our hold on being a great country. We can't compete the way we used to on so many levels: health (I can't see a doctor, and I need one damnit), education (we're dumbing down), finances (we are in debt to other countries), defense (we are about to spend ourselves defenseless, and then will be super vulnerable to attack). Yeah, we suck. Let's vote McSame in and get 4 more years!

Also, it disturbs me that so few people follow/discuss/talk about what's going on in this country. The lack of attention is precisely why we are in this mess to begin with. There are only 1 or 2 people on my LJ friends list who also talk about politics. People, I know there are important things going on in your life, but don't be distracted so much, because all this boring political shit actually effects your life.

I'm not a writer at all, but hey, I'm trying. Vote Obama!

Here is what some major rags said about the debates last night:

Round 1 in debates goes to Obama, poll says -
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