An update...

Aug 02, 2004 09:50

Well things are certainly things...My brother is still in the hospital, so I am still spending lots of time making sure my dad is okay while my mom goes out to sit with my brother. Came home the other day and turned on the computer and get a nice could not start because hal.dll is missing or corrupted, tried all kinds of things to get the system going, and failed every time...funny thing is, it would attempt to boot up, but when I put the hard drive into my wive's computer so I could try copying the file it needed her system said it wasn't formatted! I even tried doing a destructive recovery (meaning it would lose all data) not that I wanted too but...what can you do...the proceedure goes well in formatting the HD and copying all the files to the recovery partition but when it is time to copy the files to the user side it fails every now I am waiting on a hard drive, and have been since early last week...

Last week they had finally decided the problem my brother was having was an abcess on his colon was blocking the liver and that caused 2 abcesses in his liver one being open and one they were going to try draining them...they take him down for the procedure and then they report back they can't do it as they are not sure they can hit the right spots at this time so they are going to drain the fluid off his lungs first. Then they report back that they have to delay this a couple of hours as they had too much heprin(sp? blood thinner) in his system. So when they are ready to do that they rush my mom out of the room, won't tell her anything for a long time, when she tries to go back they shoo her away, they even shoo away a dr. that has come to check on my brother. They finally come out and talk with her and tell her they had to crack open his chest to do the proceedure and my mom is just a mess. She came home and we talked for a bit and I was completely stunned as to why they cracked his chest open to do that, I know I am not a dr. but to basically do open heart surgery to drain his lungs didn't sound right...seemed to me that would create more problems then fix. Anyway after her next visit we found out that the dr. who told my mom that always uses that expression and that is not what they did...the reason his lung collapsed was that when they stuck the needle into his chest into the lung they went too far and poked a hole through the lung...of course this caused most of the fluid to drain into the chest cavity and they had to insert a chest tube to drain the fluid and help reinflate the lung.

Now they are just waiting to see how he recovers from this and then they will tackle the abcesses...what a nightmare.
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