Jun 22, 2004 23:46
Yep..you guessed it...more computer problems...part of the reason I didn't make any updates before now, letting the wifey use my computer to play her game while I tinkered with hers...Tech finally got here tonight to work on it...I thought they were replacing the cpu/heatsink/fan...but instead they replaced the cpu/heatsink and motherboard (again). At least this time he got to see the computer go through a hard reboot! *laugh* with the new parts in the computer...*sigh* The tech is completely at a loss, as ever tech we have talked to is, including me...I say me last for a couple of reasons...even stepping away from keeping up with technology, I think I still know more then a lot of these techs do and for good or bad, I am the final tech here, regardless of problem, I am the first to try fixing it, have my nose in it as much as possible so I know what the other techs do and when they leave shaking their heads I am still here working on it. *yah me* *heavy sarcasm*
The biggest problem is, we were counting on finding out tonight what is wrong with hers, to make it easier to find out what is going on with mine...it has had a hard reboot issue too, but it was always so infrequent that I never worried about it...funny thing is, this huge list of people with simuliar system having simuliar problems, no solution though...
Ahhhh...one of my favorite songs came on...Song for Ireland by The Corrs...
You might notice a new song listed on this message, I had a couple of codes from big mac boxes, so I downloaded Sony's answer to iTunes...Not really impressed...they got pretty much the same songs as iTunes...but free is free, and I got 2 songs I didn't have before...the other is I'll never get over you getting over me - Expose' I think...too tired to check or care...Now I need to get them out of sony's player and into iTunes... I just like iTune better. Was hoping they would have Five O'clock World by The Vogues (Drew Carey theme for a season or so.)
Well I thought I had more to say, but the eyelids are disagreeing with me...wifey has to get up early tomorrow to get some tests done, which means I have to get up early to make sure she gets up...*laugh* She sleeps so soundly...Though last time she had to resheduled them because I got up with the alarm used the rest room, left the alarm running told her she needed to get up, she said okay, and I went back to sleep...woke up to the alarm still sounding an hour and a half later and she was sound asleep on my arm...*laugh*
I hope everyone has a good sleep tonight, plenty of pleasant dreams! And something I haven't done much of lately...
Thank you Lord for this day, this life and the friends you give me.