Free Web Blogging A little story greeting me this morning...I guess either I am just dense or people need to wake up...While it might be nice if the gentleman had given warning before closing the free hosting he was doing, but how can you really fault someone who took on the financial and all the administration responsibility of 3000 different journals from getting fed up with it all and pulling the plug? Clearly said gentleman felt under-appreciated, over-whelmed and sick and had to call it quits...This journal is free and was spawned from my wife's back when LJ offered the free codes to paid members. While I would disappointed if LJ pulled the plug on free accounts, I wouldn't be upset, it would just make me get off my butt a little sooner and become a paid member...been putting that off for awhile, other things taken priority.
One of those things...The Day After Tomorrow...I like grandiose concepts, and this movie certainly fits the bill. Based in part on a book I've read called "The Coming Gobal Superstorm"...A nice read though a little dry when it was out of the story telling portions, but still a good read. While the movie carried the main concern of the book, it told it in such a way as to make it more interesting and echoing what would probably be the government's actions to start with...and they made sure that you would see Pres. Bush and VP. Cheney in the actors portraying the Pres. and VP. Bilbo Baggins had a part in the movie...took me a little while before I recognized him...*laugh* But then I had a lot to watch...*laugh* I was also surprised to see Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco in the movie...okay, maybe not the actors, or those characters persay but when viewed that was the first thing that came to mind. The story line was rushed a bit, some say it was totally fake/unreal I accept it for what it is because of the scale were talking about. I'm not a Meteorologist or a climatologist but I feel that the concept behind this movie may be sound. Could it happen exactly like the movie? I don't know, but it feels like it could, I think it is a reasonable explanation of how this could happen. People have complained about how quick it happened...well...I wouldn't call it quick...other then to say it hit and lasted so long and then was gone...but that was just the storm...that wasn't the reprecussions of that storm. Some say it was so laughable and that everyone in their audience was laughing at the whole concept, was kinda funny in the group that watched it when I did, they only laughed one time...when they showed all the Americans fleeing the US across the Mexican border cutting through the fence and crossing the was a funny scene. I'm now anxiously awaiting it's arrival on dvd!
I hope everyone is having a good one! I'll try to post more later!