Title: Quickened Summary: Jo’s pregnant. Now comes the tricky part. 2,800 words. Pairing: Dean/Jo/Castiel Setting: Post-Apocalypse? Doesn’t really matter, it’s an AU happy future! Rating: R Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]a wee bit of mpreg, tentacle-ish sex, CRACK & SCHMOOP A/N: I offered a drabble to anyone who found my spnkink-meme fill, and Snickfic said she was in the mood for Dean
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AHHHHHHH. You, dear lady, are remarkable. At first I was like, holy mackerel, when I suggested this ship I did not expect PORN. But then! Then I was all :DDDDD. TENTACLE. And pregnant Castiel. And Jo will keep hunting and come home to boys and baby. And Ellen saving the pregnancy test, lolol. And the selfish talk, and Dean assuring her that it won't be like it was with him and Sam. And the pointed comment towards the end about how Dean could wait a few years and see how he feels. And AHHHHHHH.
This is the perfectest perfect thing. You know the way to my heart. <3 <3 <3
Edit: Also, I totally missed the fact that I got a drabble ('drabble') for guessing which kinkmeme fic was yours. I was very confused when you asked me for suggestions, but hey, I was not going to turn down fic. :D
I KNOW, I can't believe I wrote porn, who am I?!? And I wrote 85% of this fic in a few hours on Sunday, and it just came out really easily?? I am inordinately proud but also super nonplussed that apparently I have an easier time writing porn for non-OTPs than my actual OTPs. Who said that was fair.
All of the fills I could think of for this pairing were actually porn; originally I was fiddling with a Dean-coaching-Cas scene, but that was a little too pwp for me to brave.
This is the perfectest perfect thing. You know the way to my heart. <3 <3 <3
I thought tentacle + mpreg + not!curtain!fic!Jo might be a good recipe for you. *g* Thank you for the lovely comment, I am SO glad you liked it! :)
Jo/Dean was my only real ship until Bela came along, and then my Jo/Dean feelings dropped to almost zero. I'm big on their potential sibling-ish relationship now, which I mostly credit to your tags. :)
Comments 5
This is the perfectest perfect thing. You know the way to my heart. <3 <3 <3
Edit: Also, I totally missed the fact that I got a drabble ('drabble') for guessing which kinkmeme fic was yours. I was very confused when you asked me for suggestions, but hey, I was not going to turn down fic. :D
when I suggested this ship I did not expect PORN.
I KNOW, I can't believe I wrote porn, who am I?!? And I wrote 85% of this fic in a few hours on Sunday, and it just came out really easily?? I am inordinately proud but also super nonplussed that apparently I have an easier time writing porn for non-OTPs than my actual OTPs. Who said that was fair.
All of the fills I could think of for this pairing were actually porn; originally I was fiddling with a Dean-coaching-Cas scene, but that was a little too pwp for me to brave.
This is the perfectest perfect thing. You know the way to my heart. <3 <3 <3
I thought tentacle + mpreg + not!curtain!fic!Jo might be a good recipe for you. *g* Thank you for the lovely comment, I am SO glad you liked it! :)
(I don't even ship Jo/Dean but hell to the wall do I apparently ship Jo/Dean/Cas)
EXACTLY. I don't ship Jo/Dean either (although I do ship Jo/Castiel), but somehow all three together is the perfect mix of flavors. Like ice cream.
Jo/Dean was my only real ship until Bela came along, and then my Jo/Dean feelings dropped to almost zero. I'm big on their potential sibling-ish relationship now, which I mostly credit to your tags. :)
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