SPN fic: A/B/O Thing I'm Not Actually Writing

May 12, 2013 17:19

Over two months ago, I fell in love with a potential a/b/o verse, and I started scribbling down sentences whenever I could (literally, I was writing in a notebook at red lights during my commute).  It was only ever supposed to be a lark, a short, “Things I Am Not Actually Writing” post.  It turned into 5,500 words.  It is still something that I Am ( Read more... )

a/b/o, bela talbot, fanfic, dean winchester, supernatural, genevieve cortese (rpf), sam winchester

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gryfndor_godess May 14 2013, 03:09:41 UTC
SNICK. I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT. You should know that there is no one in fandom who makes me want to write fic as much as you do. Like, you say these things, and my brain starts thinking of ways to start Chapter 2 (also, I totally already know the answers to those plotty details and how this particular story ends, but I guess I should not say in case I do write more? But if you want, I have answers).

This verse, it ate my brrraaaiiinnn. I want to write the rest of this immediate story, but almost equally so, do you know what plot bunnies I have in my head. I want to write about menopausal!Dean moping and feeling very bittersweet 20 years from now when his heats end because after so many years and the children he's been able to have, it feels like he's losing a piece of himself, and 50-year-old!Dean can barely remember or fathom the horror 29-year-old!Dean feels now. And I've never seen menopausal a/b/o fic (but then, I haven't read a whole lot), but it has to exist, and if it doesn't it should because think of the characterization.

And I want to write about Dean carrying a child for Sam and Gen because as a beta/alpha pair, they're biologically incapable of having children together, but if Gen and Dean procreated, the child would still have Winchester DNA...and if Dean was willing to go to Hell for his baby brother, what's a little thing like giving him a child? But all the conflicting emotions, because it's biologically Dean's child but it's not going to be his, and while Dean's pregnant, Gen gets alpha!protective of the baby, which brings her into conflict with Bela, who is alpha!protective of her husband (because what else are my endgames going to be), and Sam's probably got some feelings of inadequacy going on, too, because when doesn't the, the poor dear.

(And I kind of really want to write it just so the summary can be "Dean is pregnant with Sam's baby, non-Wincest," LOLOLOL.)

And a/b/o sex scenes, oh my gosh, for the first time in my life, I am actually excited about writing sex scenes. I do not feel any more equipped to write them, and I do not actually foresee it happening anytime in the near future, but I have ideas that are almost PWP, and wow, that never happens to me, and also, I think the world really, really, really needs some alpha!Bela/omega!Dean sex. It just does. I feel bereft.

This a/b/o stuff is all your fault, and ILU for it. Dude, the SPN stuff is all your fault, too. BEST AND WORST AND BEST ENABLER.

Thank you for your lovely, lovely comment. <3


snickfic May 14 2013, 21:23:31 UTC
Okay, first, I have to say that I dreamed about this fic last night. I literally dreamficced it! I woke up and I had this scene in my head where Dean's all freaked out and despairing and he promises Gen that if she'll help figure out how to fix him, then they can fix her, too. And she's all "DO NOT NEED TO BE FIXED THX."

And then a little snippet where Gen's, like, on the opposite side of a window from Sam and he happens to have his hand on the window, and she notices how much bigger his hand is than hers and gets all fluttery.


You have created a monster, you know. I will never stop bugging you about this 'verse now. (I mean, unless you ask. Then I will. Mostly.) For that reason, I think I'd rather you didn't tell me what happens. I may change my mind in future. :)

Would you believe, I don't think I've ever seen menopause dealt with in a/b/o fic, and I have read a lot of it. Clearly this is a gap WAITING TO BE FILLED. But yes, also Dean having a baby for Gen and Sam! And also the whole Gen/Sam relationship! And the Dean/Bela relationship! (Because I've never seen you actually write that part; it's always pre-established.)




gryfndor_godess May 16 2013, 01:35:00 UTC
Okay, first, I have to say that I dreamed about this fic last night. I literally dreamficced it!


Hahahaha, that's even more thick-headed of Dean than I was planning!

You have created a monster, you know. I will never stop bugging you about this 'verse now.

:DDD Please bug away, I just can't make any promises.

(Because I've never seen you actually write that part; it's always pre-established.)

Sadly, this is the verse where I am least clear on the in-between stuff, but I shall get there. I know exactly all the establishing business for my original AU verse (frikkin novel's worth of ideas and gooey romantic stuff, but I never wrote any of it because I wanted to try to make it fit post-canon, but with the way canon's going, I think that's pretty much a lost cause) and my Sam/Ruby AU and even my Dean/Queen of Hell!Bela AU, but this verse has a beginning and an ending and not quite as much in the middle. Yet, hopefully.


:DDD *hugs*


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