Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2012 07:12

In honor of All Hallow's Eve, I'm inviting trick-or-treaters to my 'door.' Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.).

Happy Halloween!  It might take me a ( Read more... )


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snickfic November 1 2012, 03:14:08 UTC
The story behind these is that I keep the images saved on my desktop so I can open them, randomly, whenever I have a Dean/Jensen craving.

LOLOL. And how well you know me. :D

Believe it or not, my fic was completely unrelated to that second pic. The fic was inspired by this bit from the S7 gag reel:

Is he really posing, though? He kind of just looks like he's hanging out, waiting for things to happen. (Not sure what it says about me that I'm less enthralled by the butt than by the mic wires; TV showing its strings fascinates me.)


gryfndor_godess November 3 2012, 03:07:55 UTC
The fic was inspired by this bit from the S7 gag reel:

Those two, how are they real. Way back when, I hadn't clicked on the link when you put it in your fic because I misread that it was a clip and thought it was the whole gag reel, which I didn't want to see because of spoilers. That is glorious.

Is he really posing, though? He kind of just looks like he's hanging out, waiting for things to happen.

I don't know if he's purposefully posing, but it looks like a pose to me, with his hip slightly cocked and his other leg up like that. And his face in profile...gah, making myself drool. It certainly looks like he's thinking, "Get a good look at my ass. Enjoy yourself," but I also would not be surprised if standing around like a model is just what he does naturally. *g*

I think the mic is so cool, too! I really need to watch more of the behind-the-scenes featurettes. And by more, I mean any. I keep meaning to watch Jensen's on directing.


snickfic November 3 2012, 16:03:09 UTC
Well, he did model back in his teen years. The brick pants shoot is notorious.

To cleanse your mental palate after that, I was about to link to an adorable interview clip in which Jensen answers the questions Danneel submitted to the interviewer via Twitter. But then I realized one of them is spoilery. :(

So, instead I give you this.


gryfndor_godess November 6 2012, 03:01:48 UTC
I knew he modeled, but I had never seen that particular shoot before this/your Tumblr reblog. That is just...that pout. Dear lord. Such a pretty boy.

Aw, I will have to remember to ask about that clip after I've seen more.

THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! Gosh, I feel like I'm getting Halloween treats all over again! :)


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