SPN fic: Waiting Game

Oct 30, 2012 09:32

Title: Waiting Game
Rating: R but only for a few bad words; more like a hard PG-13
Summary: Ruby never signed up to be a babysitter, so it was super inconvenient of Dean to get knocked up and leave Sam with his spawn before he went to Hell.  Takes place around October of what would be S4.  3,700 words.

A/N: This fic is for pocochina, who requested a ( Read more... )

ruby, fanfic, supernatural, sam/ruby, sam winchester

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Comments 20

snickfic October 30 2012, 15:40:20 UTC
FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL. This is not a scenario that would ever have occurred to me, but you glorious justice to it. Your Ruby voice is marvelous - just the right blend of cantankerous and annoyed and very occasionally, despite herself, a wee bit sentimental.

And SAM. Sam BREAKS MY HEART. "How am I- how am I supposed to be good enough for her?" OH, BB.

And I love all the bits of backstory you weave in, too, and how it's affected all the latter events. (And now I really, really want that Dean/Bela fic. It sounds EPIC.)

I love it.

Edit: Except, I'm really nervous about what will happen when Lilith steals the baby. D:


gryfndor_godess October 30 2012, 18:11:50 UTC
:D Thank you! I'm so happy you like Ruby's voice! It was tricky finding an appropriate balance between not-sentimental-enough and so-sentimental-as-to-be-OOC.

(And now I really, really want that Dean/Bela fic. It sounds EPIC.)

I really, really want to write it! I had not planned to write it. Not properly, anyway. *headdesk*

Except, I'm really nervous about what will happen when Lilith steals the baby. D:

Well, if the angels decide to play ball, it might not come to that. *g*


things livejournal October 30 2012, 16:17:13 UTC
User snickfic referenced to your post from things saying: [...] ing fanart and pictures of Gen Cortese's face. Also sometimes Jensen Ackles' face.) 2. THIS FIC [...]


waddiwasiwitch October 30 2012, 20:07:23 UTC
I loved this. Excellent Ruby voice.


gryfndor_godess October 30 2012, 22:35:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)


5 Ruby-centric recs livejournal October 30 2012, 23:47:34 UTC
User snickfic referenced to your post from 5 Ruby-centric recs saying: [...] I wish there were 50k more of the kind of deft character exploration going on here. Waiting Game [...]


ever_neutral October 31 2012, 03:13:48 UTC
How could you combine my dark abusive OTP + baby and make me like it. I do not understand. THESE FOOLS. <<<<33333


gryfndor_godess November 1 2012, 01:53:06 UTC

... )


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