(Don’t ask me what my previous favorite was because I don’t have an answer.)
(Wait, that’s a lie; “Shut Up, Dr. Phil” was my favorite. However, that remains in a category of its own because it’s only my favorite because of James and Charisma.)
THE FLASHBACKS. The first one, where Dean was kind of rotten to Sam and snarled at him for daring to mention Mary, frustrated me and made me think this would be nothing but depressing. But then we got the second flashback, which was also depressing (Sam finds out that monsters are real and thinks they’re all going to die and refuses to let Dean comfort him) but had the poignancy to make it all worthwhile. AND THEN WE GOT THE THIRD FLASHBACK WHERE DEAN STOLE PRESENTS FOR SAM, PRETENDING THEY WERE FROM JOHN, AND SAM GAVE DEAN THE NECKLACE THAT WAS MEANT FOR JOHN, AND MY HEART EXPLODED WITH LOVE AND JOY.
In case you haven’t already noticed, there isn’t going to be any analysis here- it’s really just me flailing.
Dean is such a good big brother! He’s obviously not perfect, and in some ways he can be a terrible brother- like when he yells at Sam for daring to talk about their mother, heavens to Betsy, what a crime!- but that makes him a great character and the fact that he keeps trying is what makes him, overall, a wonderful brother. I loved how after he got angry at Sam, he came back with dinner and didn’t make a big deal of it and how he told Sam the truth about monsters- the little boy actor was really good; his anger seemed over-the-top, but you could see his hesitation about telling the truth in the second flashback and his relief at getting to share the secret. I loved how he insisted that John was a superhero (even though he is actually a TERRIBLE father and not deserving of his son’s adoration, let’s be honest). I loved that he stole presents for Sam and swore he didn’t know they were for chicks. I love how much he appreciated the necklace (in normal circumstances, I would have expected him to scoff at getting jewelry). Concerning Sam (whose child actor was also really good), I loved how he just wanted to cut through all the bullshit about monsters and John. His realism was depressing as shit, but it was a perfect counterbalance for Dean and made for heartbreakingly good TV.
JARED’S FACE, OMFG. WHEN THE LAST FLASHBACK CUT FROM YOUNG SAM TO JARED. This was possibly the first episode where I thought, “I want to marry Sam Winchester.” I’m pretty sure in the past I’ve thought that I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but this is the first time where I REALLY, REALLY WANT HIM (um, so I kind of judge TV characters on whether I would marry them. It’s a thing that started with Ted Mosby, because a few seasons ago, before the writers made him such a tool, I legit would have been the mother; keep in mind when you’re laughing at me, TED MOSBY WAS NOT ALWAYS A TOOL THE WAY HE IS NOW, eff you Carter Bays & Craig Thomas).
I just cannot get over the brotherly emotional roller coaster in this episode. SO MUCH POIGNANCY.
And not only that, but the episode worked for me on so many other levels! There was a ton of humor! Nothing OTT but enough subtle things that I was smiling for most of it (stuff like Dean not knowing who Mary Poppins was- which actually makes sense, given his childhood; Sam knowing all about pagan stuff- although wasn’t Jesus born in spring, not fall?; THE BOYS CAROLING TO THE DRUNK SANTA). And I really liked the villains. Mr. and Mrs. Pagan Gods were hilarious when they weren’t ripping out Sam’s fingernail (the only part that really freaked me out because I can’t deal with that sort of torture). Seriously, villainous grandma-and-grandpa-types was a stroke of comic genius.
Obviously the yanking parents up the chimney was less than fun to watch (oh god the beginning! The little boy watching his grandfather be killed and not even knowing it!), but I have to admit, the murder in the middle with the adorable blond boy watching and the Christmas music playing was so well executed. And by that, I mean, SUCH AN ADORABLE CHILD. His curly hair makes me think he would be a rather good tiny!William (because let’s face it, I have a one-track mind, and that track is Spuffy).
Shows that try seasonal gimmicks can become saccharine pretty easily, but this episode was fantastic. Everything about it was superbly executed. The opening was creepy, the Christmas music was well used and not overplayed, the red herrings weren’t contrived, the villains were scary and funny, the flashbacks were well utilized, the humor was subtle and consistent, the acting was excellent, and there was a perfect mixture of pathos and comedy. I sort of just want to watch this episode all over again. I’m not because I’m tired, BUT THAT’S HOW MUCH I LOVED IT.
Did y’all like it or am I alone in my glee?