Though it is only "
80% certain," since Hurwitz and Howard are finishing getting the legal rights, the actors are all on board, Jason Bateman has tweeted definitively about it, and they are already talking about a shooting schedule! Hopefully next summer they'll shoot it all in one go so the episodes can play in the fall and the movie can premiere early 2013!
I feel like I have something in life to live for again!!!
(Not that I ever feel suicidal. But I don't see much point in the world other than my family and friends. Harry was the exception. I used to think, "Whatever happens, I absolutely cannot die until after the last Harry Potter book comes out," and it's been four years since Deathly Hallows came out and I haven't had anything else to look forward to in life, and NOW I DO AGAIN.)
I am hopeful that this announcement will sustain me this week because I have three midterms and I didn't get anything done this weekend because I went home to see my aunt, who was visiting from NY.
Other brief thoughts:
1. I haven't written any more of my Seasonal_Spuffy story than I had a month ago. As in, I have 3,000 words. It's my first time officially contributing when I won't have a completed, 20,000+-word fic, and even though it's silly and all in my own head, I feel like I won't be living up to expectations. I'll probably have 5,000-8,000 words, or approximately two chapters of the novella I'm "officially" working on. That's assuming I can get over my neuroses and post it in the first place. It's set really far in the future in my HEA-verse, and I am weirdly nervous about posting it for SS because I feel like people will side-eye it and be like, "Why would we want to read about a verse with all these OCs, etc.?" Which is irrational because it's not the way I feel when I see people's fics from their own verses. Anyway, since it's my verse, I feel very protective and anxious about posting in general because if people don't like it, it means they don't like my OCs, my interpretations of Spuffy's future, etc. I expect my attitude will improve when I actually get back into the swing of writing. Next week is fall break, and since I have three fucking midterms this week, next weekend I shall have next to no homework and have blocked off the time for writing. It'd be great to have a chunk of the fic written since it will be my first posted WIP...
2. I watched a Castle episode tonight, and in it the victim was sliced in half a la Caleb. Nathan Fillion reacted with particular horror, and I started cackling inside. I really hope it was on purpose.
3. There's something else short and sweet I've been meaning to blog about, but I can't remember what it was. Oh well. At least LJ seems to be working again. *knock on wood and fingers crossed*