Mar 30, 2012 23:52

So. This is something that I have suspected for awhile and something that was just confirmed today. holiday_reading is my emotionally abusive and manipulative ex, Mindy posing as a girl named Kathryn. If you think that I am exaggerating when I say this, please read my account from 2 years ago about our relationship and subsequent breakup. And then perhaps peruse the entry about how she refused to leave me alone and forced me to change my number and set up email filters and such. You may have known Mindy as pasta_and_pepsi or pot_of_coffee which was renamed to fizz_buzz. After getting banned from HiH she also had that fun little stint as zen_lane33 where she applied to HiH and was sorted as a Puff and then appealed into Gryffindor

Anyway. I want to make it clear that this is NOT a smear campaign. This is not me trying to get revenge for the shit she pulled on me 2 years ago. It hurt me for a long time. I beat myself up over being blinded to the emotional abuse that I had been going through. How could I have been so blind and stupid? But I am over it now. I have had time to heal and I am now currently very happy IRL and in a wonderful, stable, honest and emotionally happy relationship. I have no reason to go seeking a vendetta. To be quite frank....Mindy doesn't deserve that kind of energy from me. But you know who does? My friends. I know that there are some of you who I am close with who are friends with her. I know that there is someone online in the fandom circles who she is possibly trying to get into a relationship with. And you all deserve to know who you are dealing with. Now...I'm willing to admit that maybe she has changed in 2 years. But from what I have seen, a lot of her old patterns are still painfully active. I've had people who were very close friends with both of us when this went down approach me and confide their suspicions. I'm not just some crazy, vindictive ex.

Anyway....comments are screened for this post as I'm not looking to post this for a flamewar. If you have any questions or have something to say to me...have at it. (ETA: Comments are screened by default, but I will unscreen yours if you wish and indicate for me to do so in your comment)

Thanks for reading :3

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