Summer is FINALLY here XD

Jul 16, 2005 18:46

I'm going to make up for missing posts today, it seems. ^^

I had a really stressful school year. Just when I thought my laziness had reached its peak last year, it surged to an all new high. I turned in a bookreport about 2 books about...I dunno, maybe 5 months too late?

Can you believe me?

I want a good job when I graduate from university in a few years, so you'd think I'd make some effort. I do, but I just take things a little slower. I tend to do things in my own time, when I want to. and when I have the sense to turn something in on time, I finish it at the last minute.

Things have to change.

I spent the last 2 weeks sweating over the last few projects that were due at the end of the year. It was AWFUL. I absolutely abhor homework, and I was doing it almost every day for about 4 hours at a time (at least). You'd think I was able to rest and par-tay after that.


Because of my slacking, the subject of me passing my year wasn't very clear. There are a number of criteria that you have to meet, before you can be permitted into the next year. To make a complicated story short, I was a 'uncertainty'. They needed to discuss me (my motivation and abilities) to determine if I was suitable to go on.

I spent another 2 weeks worrying about that. T_T

But thankfully, I got a call last Thursday from my teacher, saying I'd passed XD. I did forget to turn in an essay about Othello for English though, so I had to do that too. But that was OK. I passed!


I know it's not interesting, but I needed to let that out. Maybe I'll post some more later. I'm in a ranting mood.

Have a nice summer everyone =)


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