More baby stuff

Jun 16, 2010 11:58

Now that you all know that I am very pleased about the Small One itself, I'm going to have a tiny grumble about the annoying bits in the hospital. Any advice from experienced people on how to deal with these things in future would be appreciated.

First of all, I have been sent to a consultant because my BMI is high, I think. Of course, BMI doesn't take into account that I do not live in Spaceland and am not two dimensional. My BMI may also have been high because someone wrote down my weight at 12 weeks in as my pre-pregnancy weight. That couldn't affect BMI either, could it? Nor could the fact that I went up three cup sizes this trimester (because breasts don't count towards weight, oh no). However, it concerns me because, like kashinthegreen, I would very much like to have my baby at home and I'd rather meet with as little opposition as possible. I know they can't make me go into hospital but I am very susceptible to psychological pressure.

On the other hand, the midwife did write low risk on my maternity notes as she had both eyes and a brain, plus the consultant thing may have to do with my being vegetarian. I've been wanting only salad lately and I've been a little concerned about getting enough protein. raygungothic is doing his absolute best to help, but it is very difficult when your wife is extremely picky about what cooked food she will eat.

In other small grumbles, it's amazing how much difference being treated like a person makes. When I had my scan, I had to have blood samples taken. A., the sonographer who took them, was extremely nice to me and very careful. As a result, even though he took four samples, my arm did not bruise, nor was it even painful after the first prick of the butterfly (side note: I love medical technology).

When I had my booking in appointment, the midwife herself was lovely and I think she liked me because I was cheerful and polite and did my best to be helpful. I should mention at this point that the hospital I am booked at is a teaching hospital so they are often looking for people to participate in studies. I was happy to participate as it only meant them taking an extra sample of blood. I'd given them my consent forms the day before and the midwife had marked my maternity notes with a red sticker to show this.

After I'd seen her, I was sent across the hall to have more blood taken. I suppose the fact that I had to take a number should have been the first clue that this would not be as nice as the experience with A. When my number was called, I wanted to make sure that the technician who was taking my blood knew that I was all right with an extra sample being taken. I don't think you can say "Hey, by the way, I would like to help the current study so you can take an extra blood sample" in a nasty way, but maybe I was wrong. In any case, she snapped at me that then I ought to have a separate bag and bottle for it. If that was the case, why didn't anyone tell me this before and/or give me said necessities? And, since I had my copy of the consent form with me, couldn't she have taken the extra sample anyway? However, it was the way in which she spoke to me that made me grumble. I mean, how dare I want to help? At a teaching hospital, unthinkable!

She took three samples, had no gentleness or care for what she was doing, and as a result, there was bruising and my arm really hurt for two days afterward. Maybe she was having a bad day, for all I know, her partner had split up with her the night before, but it certainly was an unpleasant experience for me. On the other hand, A. had laser printer ink explode all over him, and he still treated me politely.

I feel much better for the grumble. Writing it out definitely helps. In any case, advice and/or commiserations welcome
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