Title: Courage
Rating: PG
Summary: Claire needs courage. Written for
She tries to tell herself that he is a dangerous drug addict, that he lied to her, that he is an awful person. And as she cradles Aaron in her arms, she tells herself that she doesn't miss him at all. That all she needs is her baby to be complete.
But she can't help looking at him. He occupies his time sitting on the far end of the beach, away from everyone else, playing on his guitar. They are low, slow tunes that make Claire's eyes water with tears and gnaw at her stomach.
And he sits there, never once coming near her or Aaron, and she tries to tell herself that she's okay with it.
When John Locke tries to play the role of daddy to her child, she realizes that there is only one person she wants to do that. He is the one who not dangerous at all, who saved her and Aaron from danger. He is the one who only lied to protect her. He is the one who is a good person despite his flaws, and would do anything for her. He has the most giving heart of anyone she has ever known. And she desperately needs him.
And eventually, she'll muster the courage to walk over to where he sits to tell him that.
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