Jul 09, 2004 15:48
The next Anita Blake book is titled Incubus Dreams. Now, lately, The Blake book series has been getting pretty lengthy. Something of a Harry Potter syndrome effect, I think. I remember, when I was younger, that the longest anything was, it was a trilogy, and anything longer then that was always Wheel of Time, Dragonlance (and the other games-turned-novels), Sword of Truth, Redwall, and that Dragon King series that was so obscure I swear I'm the only person reading it. Well, that's as far as I remember. Sword of Truth started out as a lengthy novel, but it worked, because it was ALL lengthy novels. I loved them that way--a lot happens in each book in a epic ideal.
The handy thing this time, is the Laurel K. Hamilton is keeping a blog abour her writing, and let me say, she is one interesting lady. You can see where the characters in the book slurk in her mind sometimes. And it seems her trend of logner and longer novels is truly keeping hold, as I've just read the following:
Hey everybody. It's me. Incubus Dreams is over nine hundred pages now, and not done. But I'm not worried about it because I did 20 pages or more for the last four days. 29 pages yesterday.
Looks like it may hit the 1000 mark.
Dear lords above, that's ... gonna be one big hardback.