Nov 24, 2009 15:25
This weekend the stars aligned, the blue moon rose over the horizon, and I had a fantastic time at a convention doing what I've always, not so secretly, desired to do -- dressed up in crazy clothes and flounced around a Convention.
I Understand Cosplay now. That's all I'm sayin'.
The only downside to bouncing around like a nut in a large hat (that needs remaking) is that my usual position as Chronicler of Events went a bit out the window. It is terribly hard to take pictures of yourself, or to take pictures of a photoshoot you are in, when you need to take off your glasses to not look like a dweeb and you are near-sighted with a camera that is huge and requires manual mode for optimum awesome.
This did not remain too much of a problem, as I find pictures of myself mortifying, and we more then made up for the lost images in other cracktastic images taken later, and a late-afternoon shoot of everyone in costume on Sunday. I have a lot of combing through many photos to do and I am dying to get a proper flash+diffuser to chase off those awkward shadows on people's faces. I'm still learning how to take advantage of what I have to get optimum awesome, and hopefully I will get better with time and association with great folks.
Excellent, excellent time meeting excellent people. Also, waltzing? Is awesome. :D Waltzing in character? Even more awesome.
Select photos to come.