iTunes + non-dual-core processor = :(

Jun 12, 2009 15:27

iTunes had been giving me some wonky error trouble for the past few days. As opposed to most every other complain I found on the internet, it wasn't a problem with the iPod in any way, shape, or form--in fact, that's one of the few things that works. No, it was just iTunes itself.

I finally have it pinned via my Uncle, and it's both easier and more complicated to solve then some system conflict.

iTunes is expecting a cadillac and getting a beat up, but still decent, car from the used depo in terms of processor, and wigs out trying to pump too much information through it at once. The easy answer is to upgrade. The complicated answer is to upgrade. The bottom line is that I don't think I should have to, considering that iTunes is proprietary software for a product they are trying to push, and should scale appropriately. Everything -else- works with my machine just dandy-fine, and I know other people have the same mystery problem too. I know it can be done, and if I really wanted to, winamp or some other program should work just as well to handle the iPod part. I just happen to like the way iTunes handles certain things, like the podcasting, which is a handy way to grab Japanese listening practice on the go. Its one of those moments where you would really like to use a product, but the essential way it's been designed and coded means you can't.

I'm going to hunt the internet to see if someone's got a freeware iTunes clone that doesn't have this problem, but the essential problem remains with the software. Which is kinda great. I havdn't been using iTunes for a long time until I recently replaced my brick the first aka an old music device via luck and chance.

Any suggestions for iTunes clones or file handling are more then welcome. Mostly I want this experience on the web somewhere so someone else getting constant "Delayed Write Errors" working with iTunes might have a clue as to what is going on. It's a scary error! That might mean your hard drive wants to die, and these are the twitches of oncoming disaster.

But nah. iTunes just has high expectations.

Also, this has been an exercise in whether or not to capitalize the i in iTunes when you use it as the first part of a sentence. Oh english, you are so wacky.

computer woes

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