Bleach friending meme

Apr 03, 2011 02:42


Some pimping xD I hate how my comment turned out the longest :P I had to list all the obscure adventure games from the 90s I love so dearly, though xD
I wish people made their comments a bit more detailed (maybe not as long as mine, but still :P) - it would make it easier to decide if we have enough common interests...

What else? Busy weekend is busy. Partly in a good way (will expand on that soon hopefully), partly in a bad one :P I'm working on a pretty shitty task atm (I won't have time tomorrow as I'm going on a short trip and I should have it ready before Monday)... so I'm going with the motto "Sleep is for the week" :P

manga/anime, meme, manga/anime: bleach, rl

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