Oy vey! DWTS, my life and Swangoose drama... Johnny Weir gets a tag...

Apr 29, 2010 00:26

I've just changed one of my userpics to the above. It's so appropriate, it hurts frontyardninja made it. Thanks, Bro.

First, DWTS. The stupid swing was NOT Evan's revenge :( It wasn't stupid because he was kicked out so soon :P but because it was total chaos. The camera worked in such a way that I barely saw the people, (incl Evan) who got kicked out early on. How am I supposed to know WHY they had to come off the floor?

They showed quite a lot of Chad and I didn't like what he did that much :/ He seemed to stumble a lot. Pam had decent stamina but she was a bit messy and their lifts seemed repetative. I liked Erin the most, I felt she should have stayed to the end. Nicole was quite good but not as fluent is her movements in my opinion. As to Evan, he seemed to do a very decent basic at least. I don't know about the rest as so little of him was shown. At least they looked the cutest :P

As to the infamous samba, wargonbite (who does very thoughtful DWTS commentary every week) over at dwts said it was what she calls a "lyrical samba". That was indeed not a proper samba (the choreography was good but the movement not right) but it was really graceful and nice to watch. So... I'm torn xD I actually liked watching it but the former (failsome, but whatever :P) dancer in me does see it was not 100% right. Having said that, I think Evan worked very hard on it, and the problem was the short time he had to prepare it. It just wasn't enough to overcome his skating habits (as in keeping your hips still at all times). I still think he was hurt by the scores. Someone at ontd_skating pointed out, that considering his athletic skills the judges have higher expectations from him than from some of the others. The problem is, in my opinion, the fact that Nicole, who is a dancer, does not seem to get the same treatment. She gets it only from Len, who sometimes seems like the only coolheaded judge out there. The other two go "girl, you were purrfect"... just no, guys. She's good, her samba was good but I can't agree with a ten. Ten means perfection and perfect it was not. There were many places where her feet were very unsure and she stomped in an alltogether ungraceful way.

Also what is Derek's problem with choreographing a decent dance according to the rules? Does he love pissing Len that much? The quickstep was a total mess - a very entertaining one at that - but it was uncalled for (see Evan's quickstep for a combination of proper steps and fun). And now the samba... it was not spacious enough, and there was too much standing and shaking. Erin's and Evan's sambas had more content in them. So Derek, you're cute and funny but if I may quote Len "Stop taking the mickey out of the judges!". Seriously, your partner is suffering because of your antics.

Erin's samba had a lot of content and is one of her better dances... I just hated the routine. It was so unpleasant and odd. I wouldn't have had anything against Maks taking of his shirt but somehow it was weird and random and not hot... But good job, Erin :) Len was harsh but maybe this will help you guys see the light.

The rest of the guys were pretty average. Chad was overscored. His technique did improve but the rumba involved him more. Overall it was quite boring. But he looked dashing in that suit at least :) (I edited what I wrote about Chad bacause I've just rewatched his dance and he didn't stand around as much as I remembered... lol, my bad).

Niecy looked stunning, it was her nicest outfit till date. The comedy was... special. At first I couldn't stand her food-jokes (I'm a "jiggly" girl myself but promoting junk food does not equal supporting vuluputous women... it's just unhealthy) but I got used to them. That's her style, I guess. In the end the joke didn't distract from the dance but I didn't feel it was that funny... somewhat forced rather. Her dancing was quite shaky and needed more flair. It was really a night of bland tangos :/

Pam is always fabulous but I was a bit disappointed with her as well. She needed to liven up. Maybe she's just tired? :/ But still it was the best tango.

Poor Jake always seemed to be trying too hard. And always had to trip. I'm sad for him getting kicked out as at least he put a lot of effort and did improve. I felt that this week Chad or Niecy should have gotten eliminated, as much as I DO like them.

Anyway, a bad week on DWTS. Few interesting performances and Evan's concussion while training made it not a all entertaining.

This is obligatory:


Now ze Swangoose drama~ In short Evan said Johnny was not good enough for SOI, as it hires only the best, and that Johnny whined about it cause he wanted the money for the shows. So of course there was major wank at ontd_skating (most bipolar place I've been to - it can be sweet and cute like sunshine and kittens one second, and the other railing with murderous intent). Johnny ended up calling Evan a slore in response. I actually had to look that up in the urban dictionary (since I've become so active in fandom, a use it more than a regular one xD). Anyway, you can check for yourselves what it means, if you don't know :P Classy, isn't it? Anyway, Johnny, thank you for expanding my vocabulary.

Borderline is, that considering that Johnny has an impressive record of insulting Evan (calling him: fake, rehearsed, arm flaling, and cheeply impressing people with fireworks at the end of his programs..., the recent wink drama...), he's not an inoccently hurt angel. These guys simply have issues that go way beyond what fans can know (and I don't mean that in a shippy way, I ship them in fic, but irl I just think they had some major argument). They're making it diffiult to like them both and creating drama in the fandom :/ Boys, grow up!

RL? Well it sucks. I'm tired of my studies... nothing new there but it's all just so boring. University is overrrated. It's supposed to be the time of one's life but for me it's just so tiring and repetitive.

Also, some of my friends are really so tiring recently... I've just had enough of explaining everything I say or do to them. Can you be friends with prople who don't really know/understand you? IDK :/ I've never had that many firends. Only a small selected group (I was not selective, these were the only people who could stand me :/). Now I've met some nice people on the net but they seem to misunderstand me 24/7.

Borderline is, I just need to survive to the end of the term and then reevaluate.

I almost forgot, I met Kabir Khan, the director of New York and Kabul Express. He was a guest at the Off camera festival. I'll make a decent post about him till the end of the week, I hope. I need to find the cable connecting my camera to the computer, to post some pictures.

figure skating, rl, dwts, drama, figure skater: evan lysacek, rant, figure skater: johnny weir

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