lost any friends: one. At least. We're not very close anymore.
gained any friends: The Harvey posse.
went out of the country: Nah. I scratched my ass all year.
moved: no
new school: Westdale>Westmount
how many times on an airplane: zipo
have you changed: I've matured...greatly. Looking at my posts from last year, I guess I've become a little bit more lax over all of the drama. I've stopped becoming an attention-seeker (sort of.)
new look: no. Same chubby chubby!
most depressed time this year: April...but that doesn't count.
did you fall in love: nah. I liked someone, but not much.
did you get your heart broken: nah.
who was your summer love: sushi and my PS2.
favorite Season: summer! It was burning hot and I liked it!
least favorite season: fall. I hate fall. School starts and its all wet and yucky.
good birthday: 'twas okay. I wish I ate sushi though.
any snow this year: yup.
highest temperature: 40! Degrees celcius!
kept your resolution: nope. I cried this year. Wah.
got arrested: nope.
kissed someone: nope.
had a crush: Yeah.
got dumped: nope.
lost a family member: nope.
bad grades: ...they were okay. THIS YEAR THOUGH: I AM KING!
got a myspace: never.
kept a secret: yup.
told a secret: yup.
done something you totally regret: I could've avoided some drama in April and some definite drama in June *COUGH*.
In 2006 I...
[x] broke a promise
[x] made a new friend
[ ] fell in love
[ ] fell out of love
[x] lied
[ ] went behind your parents back
[ ] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[ ] pretended to be happy - I'm naturally happy.
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept my new years resolution - Damn you April. Always mucking in my mud.
[ ] forgot your new years resolution
[ ] met someone who changed my life
[ ] met one of your idols - ...stupid Tara. Genius troll.
[ ] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[ ] left the country
[ ] almost died
[ ] given up something important to you
[ ] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] made a change in your life - I got serious about Eclipse...for once. This year, I actually wanted to turn it into a novel.
[x] found out who your true friends were - *drum beat*
[x] met great people
[x] stayed up till sunrise - MY BLEEDING EYES!
[x] pigged out over the summer - This doesn't count that much. I always pig out.
[x] cried over the silliest thing (oh yeah. multiple times.)
[ ] was never home on weekends
[ ] got into a car accident
[x] found a person I never thought I'd become real good friends with (a lot.)
[x] had friends who were drifting away from me - *drum beat*
[ ] had someone close to me die
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[ ] wasted most of my money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[ ] went to the beach (I love miami. please take me back.)
[ ] saw a celebrity
[x] gotten sick - I have a shitty recovery system.
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same time (don't you know it.)
[ ] had a wasted night
[x] became closer to a lot of people - certain people over others.