Sep 04, 2005 03:47
what did i do today? yesterday actually: camped sith for 2 hours, no pop. went 0/3 on fafnir for 2 leechers but the first 2 tries ppl didnt run away from astral flow, and the third try 2 of the 4 summoners released their pets so he ran around and killed us all. that was disappointing. prior to that i was something like 8/8 for 4 SMN parties.
went to sleep at around 9:30 am yesterday, woke up at 12:30 am today. i was very tired i guess. today logged in, nothing going on. missed LS attempt at Ouryu, behemoth, and xolotl. did Like The Wind ENM, prior to which i was 2/2. easy NM but somehow we lost. i was going to solo it for a couple mins but the PLD ran in with no MP and promptly died, and i forgot to reraise at first so i was busy reraising and 2nd person got hit w/ aeroga 3 and died before i could cure. 4am now, certainly nothing going on for several hours, so that's it for now. dynamis at 5pm but i don't think i'll be awake for it.