Some days, I'm a little slow. I've neglected reading a few of my RSS feeds (which I'm required to mention are VERY easy to keep track of thanks to
Opera's built in feed reader). As a result, I missed
this posting in the
Downsize DC blog.
H.R. 4694 is sponsored by David Obey (D-WI) and co-sponsored by Representatives DeLauro (D-CT), Filner (D-CA), Frank (D-MA), Israel (D-NY), McGovern (D-MA), Ryan (D-OH), and Waxman (D-CA). From my reading of the proposed legislation, Babka's description is quite accurate. He left out one point that I think may be important though.
H.R. 4694, in addition to removing a fundamental freedom of a citizen of the US to support any candidate that citizen should desire, increases the income tax on corporations. Mind you, it's only by .1%, but it IS a tax increase.
Maybe the sponsor and co-sponsors don't want me to notice that if they increase the income tax on corporations that, in all probability, those corporations will simply increase their prices by .1%. That makes it a tax on you and me instead. I don't know about you, but I don't want my taxes increased. If you would like your taxes increased, please send whatever additional amount you'd like to pay directly to me and I promise to put it to good use. I'd probably put it to better use than this legislation would. I promise not to donate it to some "Grassroots Good Citizenship Fund" and pretend that forced "donations" are somehow grassroots or have anything to do with promoting good citizenship.
In short, my view is that this bill should remain sitting on Capitol Hill, never to become law. If it were to become law in its current form, it would likely end up being found unconstitutional, which would invoke Title V of the legislation and a debate over making this bad legislation an ammendment to the Constitution.