vaca is over

Apr 26, 2005 20:47

hmm well i had a pretty good vacation started out with alot of shock,stress,anger(not really sure what i was angry about),but ya seeing as i met my moms new bf for the first time the instant i landed and was confirmed that they do indeed live together and once i got to THEIR house i called my dad to let him kno i dnt die(hes always afraid when i fly cuz his mom, my name sake, died in a plane crash)so icall and hes says "oh and can you let your mom know that i got the divorse papers and signed them so she is free to get married whenever she wants" oh yea so now i went from meeting my moms live in boyfriend to being hit with the fact that it really will never b the same again and that my mom is MARRYING this guy who i jus met an hour ago.....i was dealing with a bit of an overload right there but i pushed it aside ill deal with it sooner or later... some day...
but anyway except for that one day all the rest were pretty good
i got a sunburn whcihc kinda blew but it turned into a tan so im ok
i went shopping
got my fake nails back
met "my new family"
flight back sucked
manda came and jumped on me sat mornign to wake me up it was a nice surprise :-)
i hung out with her all sun it was fun
had work yesterday
hung out with ian today it was nice hadnt done that in forever had a good few laughs
igg so if you want the whole story or details jus ask
i might stop this thing i dnt have time anymore..
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