this week was soooooooooo long!
tuesday- school, then i hung out with manda and we went to the gym i took her to the spinning class it was so funny she almost died lol, and half way through i look over to make sure shes still alive and she turns around and tells me infront of the whole class "JANE MY VAGINA HURTS!" oh man lol i cnt take that chic anywhere lol jk ily hun!After that my dad dropped us off at her house and tom ryan and dan stopped by to take us bowling but i wanted to watch tv and relax so i stayed there and got myself something to eat had some quality time with mrs aarons lol shes my second mom and then took a shower by the time i got out manda was home and we hung out for a bit and then went to bed
wed- hmm well i couldnt really walk or sit cuz it hurt from the spinning class making my crotch/ass hurt oh man umm i dnt really rmember too much from wed...i think i came home and slept for a few hours...hmm anyway....
thursday- i came home and the door was "nudged" so i was like oh thats weird i must of not closed the door all the way..and then i come upstairs and val was there!!!she brought me coffee and doughnuts too and we hung out and got a chance to talk about everything and made food and had fun :-)im really happy she ended up coming down to hang out with me she had mentioned it but i dnt think she was gonna but yea she had to catch the 6 30 train so we got some smokes (i have my own pack cuz they wer buy one get one free woohoo) and i walked her up to the train station and waited with her for her train to get there and then walked back home.Got a letter from my mom with some money and a bracelette it was nice :-) also got the swim suit vicis catologue there are a couple good ones hmm i still need to get a tankini though to take care of my "situation" aka my dad still not knowing bout my peircing lol almost a year now hmm..
today- school was actually not too bad i had been longing for friday to come since monday omg this week was soo fucking long! i changed my seat in VB for the 347593478 time this week lol i swear those computers hate me lol but yea history was funny like usual the teacher is hilarious o wow he amuses me dearly especially when he was walking back and forth pretending to b in scuba suit and gear lol and yea ohhh nick said he'll let me straighten his hair heheheeh umm yea after school i hung out with manda we went to her house started watching kung pow whitch is really stupid while your watching it but we discovered taht talking about it afterwards was funny lol nananana neoooo nanananana sporin! hmm yea then we played skip-bo and talked bout stuff i was in a pretty bad mood and tom came by for a bit then we went out for a bit and then me anda manda hung out a bit more then i left, i rented a movie and got some wendys...
Ive come to the decision that its over and next weekend it will have ran a complete cycle and i will not let it go on any longer, its rediculous! i am spent, i dnt have anything left to continue, nor do i have a reason to even search for the means to go on, i cnt afford to b like this anymore its killing me and im not gonna do that to myself,not again. I see now what ive been refusing to see all along, yes it hurts but what can you do,id take heartache anyday rather than living a lie. Today is the last time im ever gonna b upset over this, over you.I owe it to myself to finally put an end to it, ive waisted enough time energy and tears on this issue."Maybe someday I will see you again, And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend" but for now......goodbye.
tmro i have to pack
sunday i am leaving for quebec at 5 30 in the morning
b back wed night
ill post some pics from the trip sometime after i get back, i cnt wait to get away, this should b fun!
have a good vaca everyone!
and ill leave you guys with some pics...
nah we love eachother!
haha they cnt all b pretty lol
last day of training:
me and stephanie
mrs Bruce-cuffy i love that woman!!!
theres alex!!!
alex and steph
me and monica and stephanie looks kinda invisible its freaky
me and mirley shes from columbia wicked funny chic!
monica danielle me and steph
me and alex!!
haha me and alex being weirdos!
me and mrs bruce-cuffy!
and a random pic of stacy lol
ill post some from Quebec sometime next week