May 13, 2006 01:44
Ah yes, the time between when finals are over and when summer begins. It's only a few days, but it seems to last forever.
I miss my Wisconsin friends, but I'm gonna miss my Minnsota friends when I go back home. One fair-haired boy in particular comes to mind...
My dorm room is a mostly-packed mess, with a fair amount of packing and cleaning to go. And my family is gonna be here in...10 hours? Something like that. And sleeping at some point might not be a half-bad idea.
Been playing WoW alot, but still don't have a 60. I've been too lazy to level up Kel, my level 51 night elf hunter. Plus, I keep making new alts. I'm way too easily distracted. Can't wait for the expansion pack though - the Draenei look kick-ass.
I'm hoping to work at my dad's work (Yeah, working with the parents, woo hoo!) Imago over the summer, cause it'd be a nice internship and I'd rather work with nerdy guys all day than just about anyone else (nerdy girls? Not alot of those around, though). Seeing as my only other interviews are at department stores, I'd REALLY rather work at Imago. I can just imagine myself working in the shoe or makeup department...*gag*.
Also, finally decided to switch from Mechanical Engineer to Computer Science. Still just as nerdy, if not more so, with less calculus! Score. Calculus likes to beat me up. I'm at 3-0 right now with Calc 4 vs. Me. Don't think I'm gonna go another round.
Alright. I really should attempt to pack up the rest of my room. Instead of stalling. Which is indeed what I am doing at the moment. :P