Nov 21, 2003 08:18
So this super car, that I loved and loved.. Decided it wanted to try and kill me this morning..
I left my driveway, and tried to go up this hill that is right next to the driveway, and the car decided it no longer wanted to go..
The car just wanted to roll backwards instead of go forwards (despite frantic pushing of the gas and much cussing), and the steering went out..
I managed to man-handle the car into a driveway, but only got the front corner in it..
A truck stopped and told me I need to move it or get out, as they can't see me coming up the hill, and i'd get killed if i stayed there.
He helped me push it into the road and down the hill, and I managed to get it home..
Fucking Piece of Shit! WAAAAHHH