In this case I will be voting no, for several reasons,
Firstly, things like the loss of a full time commissioner and the potential reduction of the veto powers are a concern. The main problem I have is that this reduces our voting power in Europe, in the short term I'm sure assurances have been given on current issues and that our present government (flawed though they are) are on top of things, but we are trusting an awful lot to future governments and the future governments of places like France and Germany.
Secondly, the clause that allows the treaty to "self-modify" without further referendum is an open door to all sorts of things that are not at present contained in the treaty.
Thirdly, I realise that this treaty does not establish a European army, nor is it definitively a step towards a European army or common defence policy or otherwise, however, it does make some moves towards EU level co-operation on military spending which is a clear step in the wrong direction. Wether we realise it or not Irish Neutrality is being eroded, and I'm not talking about the re-fuelling of planes at our airports, which is deplorable, but the actual involvement of Irish Troops (operating on UN Mandate) on a NATO mission in Kosovo. Yes, the brief there is humanitarian, and I can certainly support that, but there are key differences between being on a UN mission and on a NATO commanded misson mandated by the UN, which I am not so comfortable with. Any step no matter how small to involve the EU in decisions military is something I cannot support.
Finally, I have always voted against the EU, because the idea of a "common market" has never sat well with my more Marxist side, I think that as an organization the EEC, EC and EU under all it's guises has as it's core objective the facilitation of capitalism between it's members. Little has been done to improve the lot of your average Joe European, infrastructural spending on road networks etc, will have been a benefit, but the objective of these projects was always to speed commerce. There are other examples of good things the EU has done for us, but ideologically speaking I am not a supported of the EU and will therefore be voting no to the ratification of this treaty.
In this case I will be voting no, for several reasons,
Firstly, things like the loss of a full time commissioner and the potential reduction of the veto powers are a concern. The main problem I have is that this reduces our voting power in Europe, in the short term I'm sure assurances have been given on current issues and that our present government (flawed though they are) are on top of things, but we are trusting an awful lot to future governments and the future governments of places like France and Germany.
Secondly, the clause that allows the treaty to "self-modify" without further referendum is an open door to all sorts of things that are not at present contained in the treaty.
Thirdly, I realise that this treaty does not establish a European army, nor is it definitively a step towards a European army or common defence policy or otherwise, however, it does make some moves towards EU level co-operation on military spending which is a clear step in the wrong direction. Wether we realise it or not Irish Neutrality is being eroded, and I'm not talking about the re-fuelling of planes at our airports, which is deplorable, but the actual involvement of Irish Troops (operating on UN Mandate) on a NATO mission in Kosovo. Yes, the brief there is humanitarian, and I can certainly support that, but there are key differences between being on a UN mission and on a NATO commanded misson mandated by the UN, which I am not so comfortable with. Any step no matter how small to involve the EU in decisions military is something I cannot support.
Finally, I have always voted against the EU, because the idea of a "common market" has never sat well with my more Marxist side, I think that as an organization the EEC, EC and EU under all it's guises has as it's core objective the facilitation of capitalism between it's members. Little has been done to improve the lot of your average Joe European, infrastructural spending on road networks etc, will have been a benefit, but the objective of these projects was always to speed commerce. There are other examples of good things the EU has done for us, but ideologically speaking I am not a supported of the EU and will therefore be voting no to the ratification of this treaty.
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