Writing Update

May 26, 2011 22:06

Several people have been posting up their active projects in the past couple days, so I thought I'd do the same.

WoS - Paranormal Romance (maybe?) novel that for the sake of my brain and my ability to grow as a writer needs to be finished-- soon. It is over 2/3rds done but not quite 3/4ths. I suspect once I get past these next few chapters and sort out one or two details... it should roll to the end climax rather swiftly. Everything works better when Zach is in the thick of things. There are some real problems with this story structurally that I can see now. Unfortunately I need to get a 100% draft to fix them. However, I know fixing those problems will teach me things I can't learn any other way. I NEED to finish this even though it isn't "The Story". It is still a good story and it can be made to shine. I need to know the things this will teach me. Still #1 Priority Project Must be finished ASAP

RC - Urban (Rural technically) Fantasy novel I am *cough* not working on *cough*. Everyone who has read this project to date has threatened me with death if I don't finish it. This story is special. It's different. Writing it is EASY (at least so far). This may very well be "The Story". I just know I'm going to need the things I'll learn in fixing WoS to finish this. Priority shifting as it suits the voices in my head.

WC - collaboration project (web based, middle grade) - Sometimes collaborating on this is the only thing keeping me on this side of the edge of sanity. This is very much a pet project, but one that is slow and steady. I'd be surprised if anything goes live on this earlier than mid-2012. Priority as sanity and collaboration dictate.

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