Just things

Apr 03, 2013 15:25

I've gotten a new laptop and I absolutely love it! It is much more responsive than the old one. Geek boy was surprised when he came to transfer everything from the old one to the new one. He couldn't believe I found one that still had Windows 7 on it. Which is the reason the new one was bought now instead of later. I didn't want Windows 8.  There were a couple of upgrades I would have liked to have gotten but I got what I considered important. I really don't need a blu-ray player or hi-def screen. The RAM and hard drive were the important things.
The new one has 6 GB RAM and and 1TB hard drive. I love the fact key board is like a normal one instead the flat one on the old one. The cats won't be able to pop the keys off like they did on the old one. So it was money well spent. And for the people who know me will understand it's name....Bastet!

And in other news I will probably be going to Florida at the end of Sept. to visit my nephew. We will being going to either Disney World or Universal. I am looking forward to it though I am nervous about flying. I haven't flown since I got out of service over 30 years ago so this will a different experience for me. Oh yay. 


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