The good, the bad, and the strange

Oct 14, 2012 07:32

Work was a little bit of everything yesterday.

The good....a gentlemen paid his $16.88 check with a $50 and told me to keep the change. I said are you sure? He said you were my waitress right? I said yes and he said just keep it. SCORE!

The bad....a table came in two minutes to close. Damn. Wasn't getting out of work as soon as I was hoping. Oh well.

The strange........walked by a table and the ladies were trying to explain to the man with them about how the leviathans had put something in the food to make people fat and docile. Of course I knew what they were talking about. I said Supernatural? The response was yes were are twisted fans. Loved it. Nice knowing there are more of us out there!


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