..Ok. I have been blaming Lille for a lot of things lately. So this shouldn't be a big surprise...yes it's totally HER fault. If it weren't for her I would never haven't written anything. Yes I know, people have read stories that have been written under my name, but most have been with my co-author Magrat Convert. I am just a very shy lurker who has no trust in her ability to write anything.
Then along came Lille. She dragged me kicking and screaming into IM convos. She liked what Convert and I wrote. We discovered that we both have a somewhat warped sense of humor. We started throwing plot bunnies back and forth...which means I'm the one who got bitten more often than not. So with her encouragement (DO IT! DO IT!) and belief in me (*slap up aside of the head*) I took a stab at my own writing. I'm lucky if I hit 100 words, but I seem able to get the feeling across in those few words. And that little 400 word story for her was a miracle.
She helps me get my jittery brain to work and get things in order. For that I want to say THANK YOU
lillehafrue . Without you nothing would have every been written, even if most will never see the light of day.
I love you, girl. You totally rock my world.