Jun 06, 2008 18:41
Oh, I despise accrual.
HPB is opening a new store in Chic-a-go, and our district was selected to help them get a start-up stock. Basically, we went through our stores and boxed up every twenty-fifth book to make sure that the new store gets variety and shelf filler. You're supposed to be non-biased, and take whatever book is number 25, but what are the odds that's going to always be the case?
I worked out at the warehouse today to help process some of this accrual and I would just like to say there are some cheater pants in our district. As someone who has been through this whole new store situation, I say fie on them. Honestly, don't be a shit, don't cheat, just do it right.
I'm sick of counting things now. We should hire preschoolers to do this work. All the counting would be good for them.
Hey, want to know the fun part? We have inventory in less than a month. And then I get to count everything all over again.
If you're thinking, why doesn't accrual count for inventory, well, shut your logical mouth. HPB'll do what it wants. It's fine. It makes sense to them.
Damn, it just burns my brain.