Jan 15, 2007 19:38
Stomp the Yard. I didn't want to see, but went with friends. If you liked Drumline, you'd like Stomp the Yard. If not, you won't.
At the same time, I didn't like how one of the fake fraternities constantly wore camo. Do not get me wrong, I am a huge fan of camo, but not in this movie. For instance, when they introduce the pledges, they are in dessert camo from head to toe. The only thing the outfits were missing was branch of service, and last name. Ok, so there wasn't the rank or the American flag either, but you get my drift. That fraternity is the wolves, so when they battle they have the dessert camo covered in fake blood. I found this very distasteful. And I am appalled.
I just wanted to vent a bit.