Nothing to Write

Jan 16, 2008 18:15

I did have some plan to write something here, but I can't remember what it was, I bought a notebook and a pencil yesterday to make notes of things I intended to write, look up, or whatever else I might plan to do and then forget about, but I seem to have forgotten to write down what I meant to write about. Which is something of a nuisance. Perhaps I should buy a handkerchief and tie a knot in it to remind me, but then again, I'd probably just remember that I was meant to remember something that I'd forgotten, and I'm fairly good at knowing I've forgotten things without help. It's finding out what it is I've forgotten that's the troublesome part. I'm so good at knowing I've forgotten things I often think I've forgotten something when I haven't. My hat being an example. I know I didn't take my hat out today, but I will have to actively remember I didn't, my natural instinct being to think I've lost it. Damned hat.

The film Signs: This is a silly film. Hyper-advanced aliens with interstellar spaceships who have yet to invent the coat? I'm perfectly capable of getting wet and not dying, but I still wear a coat when it's raining. If water was lethal to me I would make sure I had a very good coat. Damned coat.

But, as I say, I can't remember what I meant to write about, so I'll stop writing.

There was a young German from Dresden,
Who liked to ask meaningless questions,
He was hated by all,
For they thought him a fool,
Until he got rich through a hedge-fund.
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