(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 11:00

Ok so i havent updated in awhile so im just gunna start with last monday and work my way to today.

Monday: had a science exam and wlaked arond and got hot dogs a mcflurrys with katelyn. went home and hung out with Zac cause he was going to his cottage. walked around and then Brad picked us up and we went and had pizza at 241 then i wanted a peta so we went to the peta pit (i [heart] petas). then we drove around trying to find Brad a girl... it was fun, his standards are very low. it makes me sad.

Tuesday: woke up at like 8:00am and went and got my G1!, then i helped my dad open a pool. then when we got home i called Zac and walked over to his house and i helped him pack and then we walked to 711 and he bought me a popicle. I worked from 7:30 till 12:00, then Devon drove me home but first we hung out and talked and drank ice caps... with wipped cream and chocolate.

Wednesday: hung out at home with my brother and spent most of the day on the computer, then my mom took me to the georgetown mall and i bought keds (shoes). then i drove myself to work (i didn't hit anything... woot for me). so i worked from 4:30pm untill 7:30pm, this time i actually did a birthday party and it was so fun. deffently one of the best jobs there. then devon drove me home and i gave him gas money, but he likes to say that im his bitich and hes my pimp, so i was jsut paying up. lol.

Thursday: lounged around and didn't do anything untill when i had my game at 8:30, so we lost our game 3-0. but after the game my mom drove me, amamnda, and courtney to the aren so that we could watch the lacross game of thoes guys that we met in peterbrough. but when we got there the game was over so we just talked to them untill there parents told them that they had to leave. so the three of us + joey + ted + dan, walked back to amandas at like 11:30pm, then when we get there we change and walk to tim hortants, it was a fun time. then amanda called these two guys and me and amanda talked to them on our front poarch for close to 3 1/5 hours. it was fun then we got yelled at by her step mom and had to come inside.

Friday (canada day): we got up at like noon and at captin crunch and found out that my friend matt davies was having a small get together so we got courtnyes boyfriend to drive us over there and i got alittle bit drunk and then had a guy named greg drive me home. then Dawn called me and was like what do you wanna do, and i said hand out with you. she said cool. so my mom dropped me off at her house and we walked around georgetown with bandanas, it was sweet. then we walked to mcdonalds and learned the one of our manages was off so we coacked him into buy us sparlkers. so we watched the movie crazy/beautful then it was dark and we danced on dawns front lawn with our sparlkers. then we decided we were going to go walking so we ended up at mcdonalds and then who was there? Ted and Dan. so they drove us to neil's house where they were going and we hotboxed neil's recroom. i didn't smoke... i just sat there and played jennega (sp?). then we got a non stoned kid to drive us home. when i got home my parents still wenrt home so i watched tv and talked on msn.

Saturday: worked from 8;30am untill 2:30pm then my mom took me shopping and i got 2 pairs of shorts, 2 halter tops, a skirt and like 4 wife beaters. we had a good time bonding. then we came home and i had a nap from like 6-9 then we watched drop dead georgous. i love that movie. then i clened my room at like 12 at night.

sunday: Zac called me at like 10:30 and was like were gunna pick you up at 12:30. today was his cousins baptisim. (was the reason for shopping). so he walks over and we hang out in my room for alittle bit, then we walk back to his house and help his mom make a veggie tray. then we went to the mall so Zac could buy a new shirt. so we were at the house for from 1:00pm untill like 6:30pm and then we came home. zac and i watched the movie big daddy and then Brad called and he picked us up and we drove around trying to find him a girl again.

Monday: have a meating at 2.

<3 Michelle

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