Longggggggggg Posttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 06, 2005 12:23

Ok so this weekend i had a soccer tournment in perterbrough, it such a fun time. Jess's dad picked us up right from school and we then drove to my house to pick up all of my shit and to change out of our uniforms, then went had to get a rental car for jess's mom becasue she didn't want to take the van to her brothers tournment in orangeville. Oh i think i forgot to mention that Chriss, jess's dad, is loaded, so were driving to peterbrouh in a .... ESCALAIDE.(sp?). it is a beautiful car. and it has one of those touch screens that shows you exactly where to go all you have to do is type in the place and it will take you there. theres even a voice who come on and tells you when to turn left or right... i named her Cindi. so me and Jess had our own and it became the team hang out room becasue everyone else had parents with them. so one the first night dave made our cerfew like 10:30pm (have a longer time at home when i have to be up at 6am for work the next morning) but chirs, (jess's dad) was all like well if you play like shit tomorrow then we will just pull you off, stay up, have fun, bond. it was so fun so on friday night eveyone started leaving our room at around 12:30am, so as their all leaving the guys that have been out in the hall all night are still there (they were on a la cross team). so me, jess, and Amanda start talking to them and they were so funny... and georgous. lol. but i didn't flirt at all, i promise. i know that that last statment was a little hard to beleive but its tru, wanna know why i didn't? becasue i think i could actually really really like my boyfriend. ok so back to friday night, so 1:15am rolls around and were still in the hall talking to them well Amandas mom came down and told her to go to bed and jess had a headace so she went to bed. i stayed in the hall with them untill 3:00am, it was so just just to talk to boys that your never going to see again. so we got up a 9 on saturday for breakfest and to get dressed. our first game was at 11:00am, we won 2-0. after that we went back to the hotel for a light lunh becasue our next game started at 2pm. we lost our second game and Amanda was given a red card (she couldn't play any more games in the tournment). after that wen went back to the hotel to shower and get ready to go out to dinner, by this point im not feeling well and i know that i have afever but i didn't say anything to anyone. so we all go out to dinner at swiss chalet (the only place that would have a group as large as ours). then we went swimming and walked around in downtown peterbrough, the hotel was right in there so it was cool. there are so many cheep bars and night clubs, then we saw a drunk man fall over on the sidewalk and the police come and take him away. i laughed for like and hour. so i went to bed at like 12:30am on saturdanight becasue i started feeling like shit and i just wanted to close out to world and go to sleep. so we get up at 7:30 on sunday so we can eat and pack. today i really felt like shit. Our game was at 10:00am and i was playing forward, i started so 5minutes into the first half i step infront of a kick and it pops my knee backwards and it locks. it hut so bad and not i have to wear one of thoes knee braces becasue when i walk my knee locks when its straight. so i get home at like 7pm (we went and watched jess's brother matts game) and i just fall asleep as soon as i lie down, i woke up for the first time at 7:45pm and i called Zac and told him that i didn't feel well and that i couldn't do anything. and then i went back to sleep and my mom woke me up to see how i was at like 8:40pm nd i said that i didn't fell well and she took my temp. and i had a fever of 103.1. so she drove me to the ER and we waited for like an hour in the waiting room and then i went into a room and waited their for an hou and then i had to have a blood test, and x-ray, a throught swab and i had to pee in another cup. tall that was done by like 11:30pm then i just wanted to go to sleep so i fell asleep untill like 1:00am when they woke me up and told me that i had Pnemoiona(sp?) again. thats 5 times now. so im bascially at home fro the rest of the week.

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