Came into work at 7 AM to make a phone call I apparently didn't even have to make? Nice. Thanks CNP, and thanks rabbis who could have called me to let me know. Yeah, so I was here 45 minutes earlier than I usually am. Why no, the office is not a little eerie when it's still dark outside and no one else is here.
Still trying to figure out how the guys downstairs (esp. the custodian) know my name. I don't swipe my card but they do know I work here - hell, I've been here longer than most of them. It's a little creepy that they call me by name though. It's like, dude I didn't give you my permission to know my identity.
Is it wrong or mean that now when I put food in the fridge, I want to write a little note that says "If you did not put me in, please don't take me out. Sincerely, someone else's food"? I think it's chuckle-worthy but with some of the people never know.
Right. So LA. I've been meaning to post about that but I've been lazy even though I was home for a good portion of the day yesterday and could have posted with pictures but again with the laziness. I did go to sleep early because I wanted to be earlier so I could be at work by 7 to call in and turn on the boiler but considering I don't check my work email over the weekend, I apparently didn't get the message that the boilers would be on all weekend. Still annoyed by the way because it's been less than a half hour since I read that email. AFTER I called in too. Fun times. Right. LA? Awesome. I kinda want to move there. It would be cool - like coming full circle after 21 years. Hey, I left the city not by choice. Maybe I was always meant to be there. Of course leaving NY would mean leaving so much, like people and theater and the comfort zone I am apparently attached to. But I would do it. Maybe.
I flew there on Virgin, which was like flying in a club. Not joking. I walked onto the plane and instead of the usual white lights, I was surrounded by pink and purple and there was music playing. All they needed was to put a disco light up and people might have started to dance in the aisle. Like at Mamma Mia. They're kinda like Jet Blue, you have your own personal TV's and you can do everything from the screen - order food, chat with people in other seats (you know, if you were flying with friends), etc. It was really fun. Of course, we were flying on LA time so nothing good was playing so early in the morning. Not even some cheesy Sci-Fi movie. Thank G-d for my ipod.
The weather was gorgeous - 60's & 70's mostly. That's LA winters apparently. I wish it were like that year round - LA summer heat is the only thing that makes me reconsider the desire to move.
Is it strange that when I got out of the airport I was blown away by how vivid and lush everything looked? I mean seriously. New York is gritty but I was not prepared to think "wow, look at the brilliant colors" while on the highway.
So as it turns out, I'm not alone now. Shoshana S. just walked in and Karen's here too. It's gonna get busy soon and noisy. Blah.
Back to LA - so much fun. The city is gorgeous. Really. You can drive around for hours and be amazed at yes, the colorfulness. Also by the houses and LA in itself. It's just a different mindset, so laid back and just very cool. I would probably hate everyone within 2 months of living there but for the first couple of weeks it would be kind of amazing. I think.
I have pictures (over 300) and uploaded them onto my computer but didn't put them onto photobucket. A lot of them are on facebook but if you want to see them, you'll have to friend me. The pix are private cause that's how I roll.
We stayed in the Valley over Shabbos by a family friend of Suri's. Well, in Rivki's parents guest house which was really beautiful for just a bedroom and bathroom. And I love how everyone has guest houses in LA. In NY, you're lucky if you have room for a shed in your backyard.
Sunday morning we drove down to Laguna Beach/San Diego/Mexico. Well really we went to Mexico before San Diego so maybe I should switch that around? Anyway, Laguna Beach is gorgeous. I have never seen a more stunning beach in my life. Even more beautiful than anything Miami has. It's kind of amazing. And the area around it too is quite nice. After that we drove to Mexico, not into Mexico because Suri didn't have insurance to take the car out of the country. Interestingly, our GPS didn't show Mexico as existing. It showed the cut-off point from CA into nothingness. Strange. Our GPS was insane but not that reason. We named her Emily Rose. Not this
one. This
one. Which, if you know Suri's sister Riki, it's actually quite funny. Oh yeah. And the car was a
Chevy Equinox named Giselle because her name needed to be exotic. I...don't know. But the car was great. If I drove and wanted to buy a car, this would be my second choice. Jeep Wrangler still remains the first.
So we parked in a lot by near Mexico and walked in to Tijuana. Walking in like walking into a prison. Makes you think that they want to keep everyone out. Or locked in. I don't know. But it takes like two minutes. No security or anything. Getting out it another story which I will get to. We get inside and lasted a whole 6 minutes before Suri said "OK, let's go" and I said "Right behind you". Creepy country. People wouldn't stop coming up to us and saying "You wanna car? You wanna car?" and calling out to us. Of course I'm with a blonde and redhead so we're gonna stick out no matter what. I don't know what I was expecting but definitely not to be freaked out so quickly.
Right. So getting out? Takes forever and a day. It actually only took about 35 minutes or so but it seemed longer. And I guess it depends on what time of day it is. I think it also takes longer when you're in a car because they'll search the vehicle. They didn't check our bags - just put it through the machine. But I got to use my passport so at least acquiring that wasn't in vain. Yay?
Afterward, we drove up to San Diego, checked into our hotel and then went to check out the city/beaches. The beach was very different. I guess San Diego has an offset and is not actually on the ocean because I've seen less still bathwater. We were there around sunset and the beach was beautiful but there didn't seem to be much to do. Plus, like LA, everything closes around 7. Which is another reason why I may not be able to live in California. I need my non-drug induced or party-filled nightlife. Actually, I may take the drugs. Venice Beach is full of them.
The next morning was rainyish. It cleared up around 8 so Suri and I went swimming. And then it got cold again and started to rain. The weather was so temperamental. Driving back to LA we were constantly switching from rain to sun to clouds to blue sky. Crazy. So we get back to LA and go to Venice Beach. Which I totally loved. The place was a trip and I've seen scarier people in the village. It was just hilarious to watch. And I loved how people were so open about things. I wanted to take pictures but thought it might be slightly rude. Seriously, the signs asking for spare change for pot and beer were awesome. It's amazing what people were getting away with. And the vendors were cool too. I mean, they were selling stuff you could probably find in the city but the atmosphere was just different. Everything was brighter, clearer and on a beach. I would have totally spent more time there but a) we were all tired and I think a little cranky b) I don't think Suri & Gittie liked it as much as I did. Suri later said that the smell of weed was bothering her. It was just too much. Which I don't understand how weed bothers her but hookah doesn't. Seriously, give me pot over hookah any day. The latter just gives me a headache. If I want tobacco, I'll smoke. If I want incense, I'll burn a stick of one. But breathing it in together was gross. Also? Not a fan of fruity incense at all. Seriously, cherry? You're giving me tobacco and cough syrup together. Nice.
I got a henna in Venice but it's gone now. They're supposed to last about 2-3 weeks but mine started to wash off that night. Whatever. Next time I get one, I'll research it a little better. I think the airbrushed ones are supposed to be better than hennas anyway.
We went out to eat that night at La Sushi, which is on Burbank in the Valley. Almost every restaurant on that block has some sort of French connotation to its name. Except the pizza shop. For dessert, Suri told them it was Gittie's birthday (which isn't for another 2 weeks now) and the whole staff came out and sang Happy Birthday while presenting her with her fried ice cream. Which was awesome, by the way. I've never had fried anything that wasn't supposed to be fried but wow. That was insanely good.
Tuesday, we flew back altogether on American. Not as much fun as Virgin but Suri and I sat together. I didn't want to sleep because I wanted to be able to that night (we landed at 11 pm). I distracted myself with taking pictures from the air (which I didn't do on the way there because I slept most of that trip) and my ipod while randomly looking at the screen until the movie. They showed
The Jane Austen Book Club which was a cute movie. I think I might like the book better. But it had Hugh Dancy and Marc Blucas. So even if the movie sucked, eye-candy was good. I'm trying to figure out though why Amy Brennemen is constantly being showed as a mess (even if later on she looks good). I mean, the woman is so pretty, why do they that to her? She can't look good while coming to terms with her husband leaving her? They do it on soaps all the time. Also, Maggie Grace looks so much prettier as a brunette.
Ashi picked us up and Danny and Estie were there too in Danny's car. Not really sure why but okay. Ashi said they were bored and wanted to annoy him. Danny got a new horn for his car that sounds like a clown car. It's scary, yo.
So that was my trip in a nutshell. Interesting? Not really. Because I'm getting very bad at describing things in detail. Like I ever was good at it but whatever. When I get pictures up, I'll do a little more commentary and I'm sure that sounds something you'll be looking forward to.
Anyway, brilliant me scheduled me trip to come back the day before I knew I had set plans (bought tickets and everything) for A Chorus Line. Which I've seen before but I wanted to see the new cast. Amazingly, I wasn't tired on Wednesday. It was only Thursday through Sunday that I wanted to stay in bed for as long as I could. Anyway, our seats for ACL were row B (good) all the way to the right (not good). Basically, we would be missing half the stage. We look up and see that the rear Mezz is basically empty. Shoshana runs up to see if they'll let us move up there, they do and so we're sitting in the 2nd to last row of the mezz. As we're sitting there, I'm jarred by the fact that I've seen the theater from this position before. But I never sat in the Mezz in the Schoenfeld before. I had a dream like that a few months ago though. Lately, it seems that a lot of my dreams are finding their way into becoming reality. Kinda freaky. It happened in San Diego too. I don't know what this means but it's something interesting and yet odd to note. So the show? Was very cool to see from up above. I was actually able to appreciate the choreography in a way that you don't get to when you sit so close to the front. "At The Ballet" actually has a ballet sequence. Which I knew but never really saw it before. The montages were pretty awesome from high above. I really liked the show from up there. Some of the cast changes were not so great though - namely the new Kristine and Don. However, the new Bobby? I adore just as much as I adored Ken Alan in the role. "Dance 10, Looks 3" is, for me, not the greatest song but the monologue before is awesome. And Jessica Lee Goldyn rocks it so much. She always has. And every time I go, I pray for a Cassie understudy but nope. Hi Charlotte D'Amboise! And that scene is so long too. God. I went to the bathroom at the start of it and came back when she wasn't even half-done. The song isn't bad, I like the OBC with Donna McKechnie, and Charlotte can dance. But the acting and her voice for the song are like pulling teeth. It's just painful. And I decided, I like the ensemble songs more than the solo. Or at least the solo songs which use the whole cast are better than the actual solos.
While I was away, I intended to write. That didn't happen. I've been stalling and it's bad. I really need to work on that. I'm just not in the right frame of mind. I think I need to be more depressed for some of the stories but when I feel like that, I can't write. I just can't get into it. It's a vicious cycle.
Anyway, back to work. I've been working on this for over an hour and neglecting Vonage. Not cool.
Also, it's really cold in the office.