A Simple NORMAL Pregnancy Too Much to Ask??!

May 25, 2005 14:15

For the first time in my life I'm not looking forward to multiple u/s!

Dh just called and has worked out a fee schedule for the OB bill with the finance department. That excludes u/s. Outside of the L2 that we'll do in a different office the OB's office seems to be under the impression that because I'm "high risk" I will get u/s' out the ying-yang and testing out the Wazzoo.

This is kinda what I feared. Is it wrong to want a simple pregnancy?!

I want to do the L2 and have them look at the standard anatomical features to verify that everything is as it should be and well of course for nostalgia purposes - as the one little glance we get at the baby before it arrives! LOL! .... but after last time I honestly don't think I can handle monthly u/s and the concept of the amnio - I'll go stark raving mad, I promise! The goal here for me is to keep the stress down. The u/s last time turned into a bad-news-fest, where each time the info got more grim.... frankly I couldn't handle that again.

Add to that, we're paying for this ourselves. Not that we can't afford it if necessary - I just don't see the point, I'd rather pay a doula to help with the delivery than have 7 more u/s when 1 or 2 will likely be enough to share with us information that is necessary. Does that make sense? This is crazy.

So tell me, do you think my plan of attack is reasonable or if you think I'm out to lunch.

I have an OB appt tomorrow and plan to find out exactly what testing they think I should pursue and why, and then plan to let the know where I stand. Frankly, I don't want to do the amnio unless there is a sound and valid reason - ie the AFP comes back elevated or the u/s shows an anomaly (just like any normal pregnancy) - not just because of the miscarriage risk in a perfectly healthy baby but the fact that it took 2-3 sticks last time to draw any fluid. And then to find out that results are still inconclusive and useless for genetic info post birth because they don't test for half the potention syndromes that go with a specific diagnosis - because its just not possible. I know that the AFP isn't 100% and u/s is subjective to the person looking at it and that maybe one person will miss something and someone else will pick it up.... but as far as I'm concerned if a 20 wk u/s shows an intact spine and everything as it should be (heart, brain other parts)... I'm fine with that. If the 20 wk shows questionable, that's fine too, I'll do another at a time when it would be more visible and more answers gleaned but as always nothing is definite.

I guess I'm saying I don't want to go to extremes in testing just because but if something came up I'm reasonable and will follow through as necessary. I know some of this is done to ease my mind and let them have pre-warning for critical things ... but if the baby is apparently healthy shouldn't I just be able to run with it??

Just my thoughts... please tell me what you think.
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