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I got this from a blog I read called Addison Road. To condense the comments section, "Is this for real?" "If it's a hoax, does it make it any less AWESOME?" lol. I apologize if you all think I'm a freak now but I guarantee there are other freaks in this limited audience. :P
Today at the conference was...draining. i have entirely too much to process. I went to two re-evaluation counseling sessions and got put on the spot to model something I'd never seen at the first session which ended up being fine. I ended up really enjoying the process. Which is good because it's something we're interested in training in.
I also went to one called something like "Karate Chops, Geishas, Ninjas, and Nerd" which had a small mountain of awesome information. I'm going to steal a phrase from the presenter's site to describe the presentation: "From the "yellow peril" to the "model minority:" A review and analysis of Asian stereotypes and the harmful affects for Asian American students today."
So my brain is sooo tired. Several of us couldn't even handle going to the last session. I feel bad for those presenters because I wonder how many others had to take a break. Apparently this was a new model they were trying out. Instead of 1-2 speakers and 2-3 workshops they did all workshops. I'm gonna vote no on that being a huge success. :P
Oh. And some group is trying to recruit me to become one of them. hahaha. They are fine and being nice and somewhat subtle about it but it is kinda weird. Does. Not. Want.
In other news, Will left for The Gathering with the Dog Brothers in california!!! Everyone send good energy his way. :D He gets married a month from today so let's hope there are no, say, broken noses. Or arms. Or...anything.