This is possibly my coolest project to date. Unfortunately, today Autumn hates it so I didn't get the greatest photos.
Here's the back. I like this project because all the seams are really nicely finished, bound and topstitched. I've done most of that myself even when patterns don't call for it so it was cool to see I'm on the right track.
This one was just cute.
Here's the front detail...I love this fabric. The color combination came out better than I imagined. The green and blue fabrics are by the same lady who designed the pattern and I took them to the local fabric store to pick out the material for the obi and lining, the bias tape and the ribbon. I had the hot pink in mind for the lining and obi but almost chickened out at the store. Glad I didn't!
Another cute one and it shows the waist. This is actually a sort of obi-style belt so it wraps around rather than being part of the dress. The dress can be worn without it but, unfortunately, it's a little big so it'll be a while before Autumn can wear the dress without the belt.
It took me some time but I'm really, really happy with the dress. I learned a lot about bias tape. Last time I used bias tape I made my own but this time I bought it and, honestly, the lazy person in me infinitely preferred the premade stuff. I had some trouble with the shoulders but I understand what I did wrong. Woo!