Jul 10, 2006 22:16
I never updated after Charleston! Oops! The trip was great. We went to all my favorite restaurants. The first night, Shannon and I went to Garibaldi's for our 6 monthiversary. That's where we ate the night we got together. And we had wonderful flounder. So amazing. We also ate at the normal places, and all were new for Dan, since he'd never been to Charleston before. We ate at Andolini's, Vickery's, Jestine's, and T-Bonz. I know we missed a lot of places, but we didn't have enough time (there's never enough time). It was so hot! But we still walked around a lot. We also went to the aquarium, which I loved. They had a very nice big salt water tank, which had a sea turtle and sharks amongst hundreds of large fish. They also had a small psychotic anteater, a hawk, and an owl (fat neck!). I love aquariums! But yeah... Charleston, always amazing.
I finished my first summer class last Wednesday. I start my next one this Wednesday. My job doing catalog work in the special collections library is going very well! I'm really enjoying it, and I'm getting some real library experience which is great.
This past weekend was good. On Friday, Shannon and I did laundry at my dad's. He was out of town. On Saturday we saw POTC:DMC, which disappointed me greatly. That night, Shannon, Daniel and I went out to Firewater and Formaggio's. It was a good night overall. Slept very late on Saturday and Sunday.
I'm still addicted to the Ricky Gervais podcasts. I've listened to them all like 3 times each. But they are still so funny. I wish they would do more.
Also... I love Veronica Mars.
This weekend, Atlanta for my cousin's birthday. Don't know if Shannon is coming yet or not. She may have to work. But I'm going regardless. It'll be nice to see Roger and go to Atlanta again.
I'm tired of summer.