Apr 30, 2007 11:40
Sick of megalomaniacal postings? I think not.
I'm working at the nsw electoral commission - I've been working on and off for them for the best part of this year. Not only am I now an expert filer but I have perfected the art of the box-pack. Never in my life have I met a group of people more boring than those inhabiting the office I'm in now typing this entry. People that mean well but are so void of anything interesting are the worst kind of people. You can't even really hate them because they're so boring they haven't done anything to deserve it. I secretly wish they were right wingers, mormons or utopian socialisits. At least I could look forward to a daily domestic in the lunchroom on the role of women, families
and the social drawbacks associated with being an unwavering psychopath. Anything has got to be better than having a conversation with someone with "go parra 2007" as her screensaver.
In other news I turned 23 and had a picnic in the park with a bunch of kids who mean the absolute world to me. I also, for reasons unknown (I have lived out of home for 2 years now) still find it incomprehensible that I'm a fully-fledged adult and often double take when I put the key in the front door to my flat. I'm curious as to whether other people experience this rather strange sensation and often wonder if it's merely the vestige of a now-maturing adhd-afflicted brain. surely not.