Mar 29, 2011 09:59
I randomly beat my 5k time by about 40 seconds this morning! I ran my usual 5k route in 28:32 and my previous best time was 29:11 back in early January. (This is ignoring my 3 mile runs on the indoor track where my best time was 26:26). I say randomly because I wasn't attempting to beat it. I just ran along at a nice, brisk pace and didn't at all feel like I was pushing myself. And this even includes a few seconds lost to wiping out on ice (it wasn't a bad fall) and getting back up. I almost wonder if I wasn't paying attention and turned around before my usual half-way point.
But let's go with the notion of me kicking 5k ass this morning!
This really makes me want to try to run a sub-1 hour 10k tomorrow morning...